Wire for hooking up radar detector


I'm trying to find a hot wire to power up an Escort radar detector. I'm thinking of using the headlight wire does anyone have any suggestions or recommedations for this???
And yes I got a ticket several weeks ago after none in 35 years.
Thanks in advance.
Birdude (Larry)

I got used cordless radar detector via ebay. I decided it wasn't worth butchering the bike with an ugly plug for a corded unit.
Hi Birdude

I have a radar detector wired up on my 2000 busa. I didn't do it myself ( got the bike shop to do the work ) as I've got no
electrical knowledge.

My point is tho, the bike does have electrical points for accessory devices, so you shouldnt have to
muck around with headlight wiring or any other already connected piece of electrical equipment.

I just grabbed the radar detector wire and took it down to the bike shop and asked them to wire it in and
leave about 8 inches of spare wire hanging free.
I then use the suction cups on the windscreen and it plugs straight in.

My detector is no where near as good as your escort, but its already saved me about 8 times from the little piggies
hiding in the bushes. Its not a guarentee, but its another tool in the toolbox of ticket evasion

Cheers Jim.

P.S the one problem you will find tho, is that once you've been saved by the detector, you never feel safe riding without one ever again.
My detector never leaves the bike except for track days and quarter miles. ( and unsafe parking places )
I never looked personally, but there is a spare power connector.

According to my notes:

"Brown wire, it also has a connector and a ground. it's on the top right hand corner of the headlight assembly if you were sitting on the bike."
Thanks to all for the input. I appreciate the folks on this board so much.
I haven't felt comfortable since I got my ticket. Mind you I was not driving out of control, simply getting away from a pack of cars at a light. He got me for 59 in a 45 (divided hiway-4 lane) everywhere else in town its 55.
I actually am looking forward to traffic school. If I can learn one thing it will be worth it.
Thanks again for the input.
there is a website at: www.powerletproducts.com that will let you tap directly to your battery via a BMW plug-in connector on or near the side fairing. the plug-in connector always for accessories, i.e. radar detectors, heated vests/gloves, battery tender to plug into to name a few. good luck:)
I cut the cigarette lighter plug off my detector's wire, ran the wire behind the instrument panel and back the frame rail to the battery - black to black, red to red and you're done. I used adhesive Velcro to secure mine to the top of the instrument panel.

I would have preferred a hook-up where it would be powered only when the ignition was on, but I couldn't find a spare terminal in the fuse panel.

I think it's there because the European Busas use running lights.