use to own a yzf1000r, great bike but hell on your wrists,lower back, and hips, not to mention if you had a passenger. i rode it once 500 miles in a single stretch and in my haste to get to my destination (traveling 140+) i was busted. I beat the ticket anyway because and officer had supposedly paced me on an parallel stretch of road and because I traveled out of his sight, he could no longer positively ID me. So when he called ahead to get help their were more officers waiting. However, I had already slowed back down to the speed limit and denied it was me.i told them they were mistaken and it must have been someone else. Of course they did not beleive me and wrote me the ticket and it was thrown out in court. That bike was good for 150-200 miles without to much comfort. The 1100xx is arguably more comfortable but is down in hp. 1200 bandit is comfortable to the upright position but because of no fairing when you get up to those higher speeds the wind takes it tole. i've ridden all the above bikes due to the fact my buddies and i trade rides just because. Obviously their are improvements such as a more comfortable seat and handle bar risers available. I've been riding for fifteen years and every motorcycles got comprimises. In my humble opinion it's got the best all around aptiude for a street bike. ominpotent- i won't by another bike until theirs the next major leap in technology and performance. I mean 20+ hp and or better than my slightly modified bike. Keep up with the joneses? I just kicked their A--.