worlds strongest BOY


Donating Member
Not sure I agree with this, but what the fug do I know.

He has already completed some first year university, can bench like 3 times his own weight...

I dunno...

richard sandrak...hopefully his over-kill mommy doesn't have him on steroids...yet.

I saw that kid on Fox News demonstrating some of his techniques for training. Guess he is playing in the new version of Tarzan. Not bad for someone his size and age.
Man. I hope he doesn't mess up his growth plates, etc...that's quite a bit extreme, not to mention a bit disturbing.
This guy needs to get a bigger throphy room for all these threads he's baggin'
...Disgusting, what parents do to become rich using their kids!

Greedy Parents
I belive they had him on discovery channel before. The doctors said his training was not going to affect his growth and he loves doing it. His dad works out all the time, so his boy wanted to do the same and tadaaa you have a mini Lou on your hands. As long as the kid is having fun and not hurting his growth, more power to him.
His dad works out all the time, so his boy wanted to do the same and tadaaa you have a mini Lou on your hands.
actually...the Daddie is in jail for beating up the kids Mom, an' other abuses towards the family...

this kid is the product of an' overbearing mother...

and a scum bag father....

but you didn't know that....