Worth a look


Ok, here is yet another frail attempt to get the word out.

Please view the movie: Loose change on youtube.

It's worth the trouble of doing the search.

Ok, for those of you that don't know me you can get a brief from my myspace page. Otherwise, guys...I just finished watching the video's and my hands are shaking. You know that,..."It's coming down" kinda feeling. Well, I got it.

I had heard about this video before but I never really bothered to watch. Well, I was just checking out u-tube (seeing what all the fuss was about) and found this video.

At this point I was the 732nd person to watch the video. So, I'm kind of waiting for that "Knock" (or no-knock
)on the door anytime now.

Man, I thought I was anxious about the coming birth of Nicholas. Jesus, Now my palms are sweating.

I believe in research and facts. Most of my educational background has been in the sciences. I'm not the kind of person that usually "goes overboard".

But man this video kind of puts together a compelling argument. At this point (while I'm waiting for the knock) I'm going to call Kim (at work and 2 weeks to delivery, what a trooper) and have her gang of nurses watch it.

Imagine if everybody here watched the video. Then what if everyone that were "enlightened" told EVERYONE they knew to watch it,...and so on.

Wow, talk about a social experiment.

Well, I'm off to PM another member here as paranoid as I am, Uhmm...Randy
and make a fresh pot of decaff coffee for my coming guests. Hopefully they won't ship me off to one of the old soviet satellites (too cold this time of year), gitmo would probably be the best choice. I’ve heard Cuba is nice this time of year. At least I'll enjoy my hour of sunlight a day



how would your life be better had you never seen it? Ignorance >>IS<< bliss. we all die someday too, but we shouldn't dwell on it.

"Information is only powerful if YOU allow it to be" - Greg Best, 1994

The Davinci code scared a bunch of people too because it sounded so real. Don't let it get to you

...hang, on... someone's knocking at my door....


more info
Another set of conspiracy theories. I didn't bother going to the website at the end. Are they saying that the government did this to justify going to war?

If so that seems pretty extreme.
I have heard some of the conspiracies contained in the movie, but at this point it doesn't matter to me if they are true or not. All that matters now is getting our troops home safely and soon. I don't care who started this ****, I am just tired of reading about American deaths over there.
Well, I'm not heading for the hills just yet.

In this day and age conspiracy theories abound. I was just a little, well...moved by the video. I'm not particurally niave regarding "official" involvement in topics that aren't very pleasant to talk about. Historically, we have been involved in some rather unpleasant business. However, just because somethings aren't on CNN every 5 minutes doesn't change their occurrence.

Personally, I rather hear from people who were acutally there, when it happened, than listen to some talking head years later. The personal interviews in the video were quite compelling.


I swear people will believe anything if you put it into print/audio/video and make up something believable.

Wake up people if you really think that 9/11 is a government conspiracy then you should really think about getting professional help and asking about getting some meds to take daily to get you balanced.

Besides everyone knows that Kyle Brovloski is responsible for 9/11 and for the dookie in the urinal in the boys room... Case Closed
