Would it be worthwhile


to run a bottle of FI cleaner through a full tank of gas or is it just snake oil?
Won't hurt a bit,good preventative maintenaince.Works very well in the auto world,as it would for bikes.Don't use to much though,just read the label.Good thing to do at every oil change,and injectors will stay clean.Depending on brand,one bottle could last 3or4 services.
I run Berryman B12 Chemtool through the system every couple months......the screw top can, about half a can on a full tank should do it.
I use Redline SI 1
1 bottle will treat 100 gallons. Don't use too much
run some nutec thru it and it'll clean her out!
just be careful what you use. some of the car stuff eats away the tank liner on bikes and will cause your tank to rust. use something that has been proven.
SEAFOAM!!!! I use it in EVERY vehicle I have. Used it in a old honda that sat for 8 mths... The carbs got gunked up from old gas. The seafoam ran through it and cleaned it out without taking the carbs off after a few kicks.
I SWEAR by it!