Hey NumbNuts,
You absolutely kill me, hehe!! Good one, I really liked that one. LMAO.
No, I did not trailer the bike (hell, I'm still laughing). To give you an idea of what I'm getting out of my '00 Busa, here goes:
I've only had it 2 weeks, but I commute with this baby everyday, in all types of weather.
Picked up the bike with 1349km on the clock. The figures below are the distance travelled / amount of fuel to fill up / consumption litres per 100km / miles per US gallon
* tank #1 - 257.1 km/16.487 lts - 6.42lts/100km (44.51mpg)(reserve light comes on too early, IMO)
* Tank #2 - 305.8km/18.308lts - 5.98lt/100km (47.77mpg)
* tank #3 - 302.5km/17.592lts - 5.94lt/100km (48.06mpg)
# Tank #4 - 330.9km/19.692lts - 5.95lt/100km (48.03mpg)
I've only done 1000 miles in the 2 weeks with an average of 100km per day, but tomorrow morning I will go for a longer ride. I travel at +150km/h (max. 240 so far), except when I get peak hour traffic when I vary between 60 and 140. The consumption on this baby is better than my ZZR1100, but then again the Kawa was get on with mileage (80,000km - 70k in 2 years), ie. wear.
Keep smilling guy !! Gotta luv it. Later ...