Yeah, I know them all.


Orange is the fastest
Ever talk the non-riding public about motorcycles or have someone find out you ride?  That they assume that we all know each other because were on 2 wheels.  

That was me today.  

I know, pointless thread.  But I find myself looking at them and shaking my head. Talking has no effect. You can't smack'em, even though it would really help ME feel better. Explain something that has the slightest hint of anything mechanical and I get the deer in the headlights look.  Then to break their trance I have to mention something about TV or Starbucks. After that they're back to normal.

Usual most frequent comment I've heard... "I would kill myself on one of those!". Actually a very close second would be "I knew someone that died on a motorcycle".  

Or another... "You mean the chain moves?!" Nope, the chain stays still and the wheel spins with magic.

Here's your sign.
Howz about, I just can never see them, (The best method for dealing with this is to stand back about 3 feet from the talker, then you can mash their head between your fingers)
I was thinking about this the other day. Some of the people here at work seem to like to to bring up every motorcycle related death to me, as if all aspects of motorcycling are the same, regardless of attitude, style, bike ridden, etc. The differences to "them", the unriding public, seem unimportant. All I hear is "it doesn't matter how good you are, it's the crazy drivers I worry about." True, but that applies to all everybody, every time we leave the house. The difference is that we tend to pick a few bugs out of our jacket when we get there.
What do you have a death wish?. Motorcycles will kill you!
I hear that all the time especially when my racebike is loaded in the trailer and on the way to/or from the track. I always hear that statement, as well as, "I hope you have a pretty damn good life insurance policy."
About the only thing that bothers me is when they call it a crotch rocket. And it seem like everyweek some calls it that.
if you want to be PC now adays, its not a crotch rocket, its a "lap Firecracker" Thank you very much.


Ryders Connection
I was thinking about this the other day. Some of the people here at work seem to like to to bring up every motorcycle related death to me, as if all aspects of motorcycling are the same, regardless of attitude, style, bike ridden, etc. The differences to "them", the unriding public, seem unimportant. All I hear is "it doesn't matter how good you are, it's the crazy drivers I worry about." True, but that applies to all everybody, every time we leave the house. The difference is that we tend to pick a few bugs out of our jacket when we get there.
Have you ever got, "are you one a them fools doin wheelies on James River Freeway"?
You think you guys have it bad? Try owning a 'busa AND being a well known B.A.S.E. jumper.

"So...are you suicidal or somethin'?"
"Can I have your car when you die?" (It's never "if you die," it's always "when you die")
"I bet you have trouble getting life insurance."
"Why do you wanna kill yourself anyway, are you depressed?"
"You'd never catch me doing anything like that, it's so dangerous. My cousin's brother's roommate's girlfriend's hairdresser's son was killed doing that."

These incidents occur on an almost daily basis.