Yellow Box

Good stuff, Jeff, think I'll order one as soon as TLR99 has a version available with plug-in added ease of installation (really hate messing with wiring).
The plug-in version is in the works, but please don't expect that version for about two months. Sourcing the correct parts in bulk from Asia, and waiting for them to get shipped is one of the reasons the first version took so long to get into production.

I saw your web page, Jeff, nice site! Just check with the way you mounted the Yellow Box that the rubber band on the ECM won't "flip" the YB switches as the bike goes over bumps etc. We also recommend putting some silicon sealant over the switches once you have calibrated, stops the switches being bumped and also provides extra moisture protection.
Now that's what I call "expectation management" TLR99, have adjusted mine now, thanks for the feedback.
As for Jeff's way of "mounting" the Yellow-box, my thoughts exactly when I saw that pic, but I interpreted it as a temporary solution until calibrated.
The reason for the "quick" mount is that this box is not mine. Mine is on order, when it arrives I'll swap it out, or give him the unit that comes in.

I do have velcro holding it down, and have since moved the ECM rubber bands from on top of the unit.

Got the error down to 1.8%, which was good enough for me.

Now if I could just figure out the switch settings: binary (LSB MSB) and how the number relates to the ratio.

I measured with the hwy. markers. I think I'll go back and check out GPS just for grins.

[This message has been edited by jeffw (edited 27 October 1999).]
Jeff, 1.8% is pretty rough! I set mine against highway markers and with one attempt set it to 0.2%.

Maybe I can help you adjust it. When you did the original 10 mile check (without any correction), what miles did your speedo indicate? Also what sprockets do you run?

Also, each switch DOES correspond to a set amount of correction. This might help;
sw10- 0.125
sw9 - 0.0625
sw8 - 0.03125
sw7 - 0.015625
sw6 - 0.007813
sw5 - 0.003906
sw4 - 0.001953
sw3 - 0.000977
sw2 - 0.000488
sw1 - 0.000244 (farthest right hand side)

Sorry about those scary numbers, I did round the decimal points off for you too. You should see the YB source code, doing ratio calcs in binary to the umpteenth decimal place and optimising for the fastest possible calculation speeds... Glad that bit is over! Now my main headache is arguing with suppliers.

Anyway re what you asked, Jeff, if you flip switch sw7 (see above) to "1" you will add another 1.56% correction etc etc. If you set sw7 to "0" you will reduce the correction by 1.56%. Hope that makes sense. :)

PS. We have put a couple of Yellow Box pics on our web page;
including a picture of the internal circuitry. Will be restructuring the web page as soon as time allows.
I was just happy to once again have a speedo that was close :). I'll take some time and see if I can get it a bit closer.
do we have any happy cutomers with the yellow box? can i get some feed back on what other people have to think about it? how well is it really working.
I just recieved OEM connectors to wire up a plug and play version of the Yellow Box. I will keep you posted and send pictures or the harness.
Ok, I did a 7 mile test today, looks like I have the error down to .27056%. :) I'm real happy with that.

Now I guess I need to get a radar gun and start with speed runs to see what happens above 125 - 150 mph.
Great now I'm :) too! You have just joined that very small club of sportbike owners with accurate speedos.

So where are the other testers? We did send eight 'Busa test units out... Does anyone need installation/setting up help??
Kawabuser: where did you get the oem connectors???

99TLR: I didn't want to cut the harness so I've been looking for the connectors.
I will install as sone as I find connectors
I have been having a heck of a time trying to source those connectors. I have been scouring some specialised electronics catalogues (the hard to get cataloges that supposedly source everything) with no luck.

I got the latest issue of Asian Sources Electronics Components yesterday, no luck either. Also luck sourcing them on the web.

I have been told the vehicle manufacturers often have "x quantity" of plugs custom manufactured by contract, and they are not general release. I am waiting on some "excess stock" firms that normally resell this stuff, maufacturers excess that is.

Can anyone here help? Are there any geniuses at finding special parts on the web? Anyone?

I am quite happy to order a few hundred dollars worth of the plugs. Most Asian manufacturers will ship a small order of that quantity. Just where to look??

As for cutting the harness, you don't need to!!

REMOVE THE SENSOR. It has its own 12 inches of wire. Connect to the sensor wire. You can do it in comfort on your workbench, and if you really stuff up you can always buy another sensor. I never suggested cutting the harness. :)
By the harness, I think he was talking about the sensor harness, not the the main electrical harness of the bike.

You do need to cut the sensor harness (black wire).
You have to find someone who races a busa that does not use the speedo and that section of the harness. All I can really say is it is not easy to find one. Maybe you can find a crashed bike that has a harness.

The connectors are available in Japanese parts cataloges that we never see in the US.
Roman may end up as the only source when he finds them.

I tried for two, but beggars can't be choosers.I just picked up th eheatshrink for the harness today and should have it put together by the weekend.

PS those OEM connectors are a pain to just un clip.