I know who you are,,,, Just messing with you! Whats happening!Im an old school member whom from the original hayabusa.org days. I had a custom 2001 unrestricted and many many of my old how to posts are still pinned. So a no body really.
I still have a couple spare yellow High Beam bulbs from you if your the same Iceman.
ive been searching all day. no luck. was hoping for someone to step in. Just need the pic not trying to order oneThere was a post here last summer/fall with 3 different 3-d key blanks, one being the falcon. So some what recent, and you may possibly still be able to find one.
But, the search function doesn't work the best either.
Sorry, that's all I got.
Good luck with your search.
Yes thats me... too funny. And the original is still working I take it