Yosh name plates


Can the Yosh name plates be removed from their cans by drilling out the rivets and plugging the holes in some way. Has anyone tried this or have any suggestions? Thanks.
Yes, I drilled the rivets and pulled the plate off (it's just stuck on with adhesive). I then mixed some JB-Weld and carefully filled the holes just for cosmetic puposes (my can is CF). You can hardly see the filled holes and the can looks much better without that huge Yosh plate. If yours is SS or Alum you could use small screws.
If it truely plural (cans) just switch the left and right cans showing the bare cans with the label inside.
yes ya can remove easily the only problem with switching sides is they would be angled a little different and ya would see the seem weld
ya might be able to use some of this to patch the holes but no clue on how well it would polish up to match linky