

I hear that Yosh is buying crashed Hayabusa's from insurance companies. Seems that Suzuki either does not have any to sell, or they won't sell to Yosh.

Wonder if Yosh is prep'in them for AMA races
Jeff, Yoshi and Suzuki are tight! I'd expect that they're buying the bikes for parts as they re-work the the whole bike anyway for their race, R&D activities. I look for some great add-ons out of Yoshi......
Not only Youshimura is buying crashed bikes.....I just bought my 3d this week.....
Dont know what to do with it, but sure its funny to brag that I have 3 Hayabusas......

[This message has been edited by Yngve (edited 15 September 1999).]
The official line from Jeff Wilson/Mel Harris (both US Suzuki) was Suzuki would not race the Busa.......now for Yosh to be purchasing crashed bikes tells me that Suzuki does not have any (or parts) to sell Yosh.

I did not mean there was bad blood here, just it was funny that they are going to insurance people for bikes (I know of 2 they bought so far).
Jeff, I was told that the #70 F Xtreme of Rad Greaves was a cooporative effort of Youshimura and Suzuki.

Maybe they just cant buy what there isn't stock of?