You guys get all the good races..


Donating Member
So I'm floating blissfully down one of my favorite roads yesterday afternoon, 70 degrees, beautiful fall day, trees starting to turn....all of a sudden there is this caddie deville on my tail. I can barely see the little bald head sticking up, a few sprigs of combed over hair. I'm thinking grandpa has somewhere to go so I move over and let him come around. To my amazement, the old fart comes dead even with me with that look in his (one good) eye....if grandma knew she'd knock those teeth clean out yer head...we got us a race. I think I was in fourth gear and he actually got the jump on me. Damn caddie was smokin'...I should have let him go, lord knows at 90 there are few pleasures left. However, in a totally primal response, I drop a gear and nail it. Yes sir, reeled me in a northstar.....all ten thousand pounds of wrong on so many levels...
I raced a bad-a$$ chopper and a REALLY sweet BMW M3 down in Ft. Lauderdale last night (on Federal Hwy). Nedless to say I destroyed both of em (yes, even on my little SV650). It was fun tho. Best thing in the world to do... when you're at a light next to a chopper or cruiser and he starts making noise, just take off in a wheelie
(especially one of those that u shift up the gears in). I'd love to see a dude in a chopper pull that one off.
And when will cages learn??? The chances of beating a bike... ANY bike are VERY VERY low... the Victory Wheelie at the end was nice especially satisfying. Cool guy driving the BMW, and really hot chicks in it