You will not believe this


I need to connect with the Motorcycle gods to see what this all means. Can anyone help???

I introduced myself to this board awhile back and mentioned the 110mph highside on my zx12 prompted me to purchase an '05 'busa. Remember the picture with the bike in the driveway and the snow all around?

The crash on the 12 was totally my fault (pushing the envelope) and I deserved three crushed vertibrae and months of recovery, in fact I consider myself lucky.

Here's where the story gets stupid. With 13km on the odometer, I made an evasive maneuver around a protruding manhole and the bike went out from under me like I was on ice. I replaced the right side fairing and all I was left with were some scratches on the front clip, the mirror and the tailpipe and a bill for $ big deal.

Tonight, 1100kms later, I go for one more trip around the block before putting it in the garage. As I approach a red light in the right lane with cars lined up in the left lane, a suburban shoots through the lineup of cars and crosses right in front of me. i pulled an evasive manuever which took me across the gravel and oil in the center of the lane, laid the bike down and slid into the front tire of the truck. The entire right side is busted up from the headlight to the taillight, and everything in between. Fairing, fenders, mirror, exhaust, tail section, not to mention my new helmet.

Someone with some wisdom...tell me what this means. I consider myself a skilled rider, much more cautious than in my younger days. I'm not a bad person. I work hard. Put in extra hours. Don't cheat on my taxes or my wife.

What is going on, and what should I do?
wow....that blows. Don't really know what to say...

Mebbe it's a sign to be more aware? Perhaps to drive a little more defensively? Or maybe you should just sell this Busa and start all over again....

Or it could mean that you need to milk that sorry SOB that pulled out in front of you....make him pay for all the damages.
Hey , first of all nobody deserves to be injured.

Dont be so hard on yourself...consider it a string of bad luck and move on. Maybe review
a few books like Twist of the Wrist 2 and Sport Riding Techniques just to be sure its nothing
on your end.
Thanks for the words guys. Joe wasn't charged at the scene and the attending officer was too busy to see me when I stopped by the station. If he gets off, my insurance company is gonna drop me like last weeks lunch.

Sellin' the busa seems to obvious.

Maybe I need a shrink?
Sorry to hear about your fate busaconver!! I Think you should reduce your speed so that you dont have to do your "evasive" manuvers too often.... also one thing that I do is, keep telling myself that im an average rider and i have a lot to learn!!

Be careful... ride safe!!
Someone with some wisdom...tell me what this means.  I consider myself a skilled rider, much more cautious than in my younger days.  I'm not a bad person.  I work hard.  Put in extra hours. Don't cheat on my taxes or my wife.

What is going on, and what should I do?[/QUOTE]

Ok, Pimp for starters,your low post count is probably what is causing all of this madness, having a high post count here on the board will diffinetly help keep the crazy azz Vo Doo off ya, for sure.  Just remember the higher the post number you accumulate the more protection you will have .  That dont include post whoring eithier.

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WE not war against flesh and blood but principalities in higher places, there is a battle in the spiritual world for your soul bro, and its only by the grace of God and his angels that you are here.....
You will make it through it! I had one heck of a battle here lately with my busa, seemed bad things were just coming everychance I got on her. But things are good now and I will soon have her completely fixed. Just hang in there, and sorry for the bad luck! Maybe you should paint part of her haint blue to help.
Ok, Pimp for starters,your low post count is probably what is causing all of this madness, having a high post count here on the board will diffinetly help keep the crazy azz Vo Doo off ya, for sure.  Just remember the higher the post number you accumulate the more protection you will have .  That dont include post whoring eithier.
Dont listen to him! My crashes didnt come till i had 1000+ post. had to gather all kinds of advice to aid me in crashing

Man it sounds like you just need to pay attention. NOt sure of the circumstances of the first crash on the 12 but the last two could have been avoided by paying attention. Look ahead 5-10 secs. You would have saw the pothole and the jerk pullin out in front of you. Dont give up riding just learn from your mistakes.

As for miliking the person for cash....Did they stop and help you are kept going. Most people keep going which allows them to get away scott free
I would suggest paying more attention and concentrate on what is going on around you. It is a cold world out there. Just the other night on the news I heard that a motorcyclist was sitting at a red light when he was rear ended by an SUV and died at the scene. Police are investigating the accident and the cager was obviously not injured.
Don't feel bad it's happenes to the best of us..Just remember they come in 3s , so you should be ok now... After owning bikes for almost 38 years i never dropped one untill last week..I was working on my turbo bike and it fell off the bike stand .. I was pissed!! Then one week later i did it again ...Lee..
First, interesting a 110 mph highside "prompted you" to buy a Busa!  Nevertheless, it seems the "going bad point" surrounds you reacting to a potential collision situation, causing you to over-react.  I suggest two things;

1) Don't work hard, cheap on your taxes and wife.

    and if that doesn't work...

2) Try and leave another second or two between you and a potential harzard situation so you have a bit more time to think out your corrective action.

my .02
Stop looking at your front wheel and start looking at the road far enough ahead to anticipate stupid people doing stupid things, dead dogs in the middle of the road etc. Give everyone (and yourself) enough room to make mistakes.

Assume you are invisible to everyone else on the road.

Go somewhere quiet (car park) and practice your emergency stops.

At junctions, assume everyone is trying to kill you. Slow down and prepare to stop suddenly.

Get your mind in gear before you ride, it's the best defensive tool you have. Keep up an internal dialogue with yourself as you ride, assess the risks constantly. Congratulate yourself when you spot a dangerous situation and are able to avoid it.

Wear the best protective gear you can afford.

If you don't have frame sliders, get some.