Your thoughts on bolt on extentions


Donating Member
I was kicking around the idea of dropping and stretching the bus this winner. What do you guys think about bolt on extentions? I probably wont drag race the bike day in and day out, so I would like to have the option to return to the stock length if desired. I would buy and aftermarket arm but the busa budget its is kinda low right now. The bike doesnt have a turbo or nitros, so will the bolt ons hold up or are they a bad idea? Any comments would be great.
You know what.
I have heard good and bad. What are your intentions afterwards? Major motor mods? Turbo? Hardcore drag?? If so - yeah, I have heard that they work good and have also seen them braking under high HP applications.
Its kinda worth going to a custom swingarm for higher horsies.
They're fine in all conditions. I've got the 4-6" over on mine(set at 6") and my bike handles fine, you just have to adjust your technique. I held my own at the last fall ride.
They will be fine unless youre making alot of power, then spend the bucks for a quality set or an arm.:;):
I don't trust them for some reason... just me. Hell Im a structural analyst, i might as well run an FEA model simulating the moment arm and all that stuff on the links and whatever they are made of... i'd need materials and dimensions though!
They'er alright for the guy who wants to run master linked chains and morph his great handling daily rider for the weekend drags...and that's what, and who,they were originally concieved and intended for. However, this fine idea has been bastardized into an "Econo Stretch and Slam" market via "consumer rules"...where folks leave'em on all the time to get a permanent look out of what was supposed to be a quick change option.

My advice?...if you intend on stretching and slamming it on a permanent basis? it the right way...take a pass on the extensions and get the real deal...a properly engineered single piece extended swingarm with an appropriatly sprung rear shock.

There's my 2.0 and L8R, Bill.

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sells new coils any size for $110 out the door. Helps alot when your stretch or lower your bike.
had them on my 02 se since new just totaled the bike when a pickup hit me head on the extentions didn't bend or break. just put a set on my new 05