Yup, the copper touch-up paint sucks.


Followed the instructions to the 't', but the copper paint from colorite is a few shades two light to match, event with the clear coat.


Man, I was hoping it was just my run of paint....im going to call colorrite, you should too. I just bought a new front fender and put it on. The paint on the fender matched perfectly.......
THANK YOU ... you just saved me the 12bucks or what ever it was for the paint.. I wish It would have matched better. I guess I will have to purchase new fedner when I get the extra cabage.
Did any one try going to an automotive paint supplier and have a computer match of the hump?

Does anyone know anything about any special prep for painting Carbon Fiber?

[This message has been edited by KawAbuser (edited 04 October 1999).]