ZG Double-Bubble: smoke or dark smoke?


I ordered a smoke double-bubble from Zero Gravity this afternoon. After re-thinking my decision I wonder if I should have went with the dark smoke? Opinions?

How many of you are using one of these and what do you think about it? Does it hurt the apperance of the bike?

I can't see the top portion of the gauges and was also hoping for a little more wind protection.
I have sold several of each. If you use your screen then the lite one is what you want. The dark screen is very hard to see out of during the day and next to impossible to see out of at night. If you tuck down behind your screen a lot you picked the right one. The Magical Racing screen with carbon fiber trim gives you more room to see your gauges and sets up a little taller to tuck down under it better. The only draw back is that it cost $325.
I dont know anyone who does a lot of top end running that attempts to look through their screen, even the clear ones have poor optical qualities.
Most of us look just over the top edge of the screen at those speeds, making a gradual transition for airflow from the screen to the helmet.
I have the dark smoke cause it was all chuck had at the time, now I would'nt trade it for the world.
I went with the clear Sport Tour. I am hoping to be able to duck down behind the screen on occasion and see through it. I suspect the optics are a bit better than the DB. But if you don't look through the screen, the dark smoke would be good.
CanuckBusa I too have the clear S/T screen and I do tuck under it and have no problems seeing through it. It does take a little effort though. I have had the bike up to 190 on the speedo with no problem. Could have gone faster but the pucker factor set in and I backed off. Maybe next time :)

Ride Safe, RJ
Hey Roberto,

After the ride with you this morning, I do not believe you have a pucker factor. 190 pish posh, I dont believe it. You would run 290 if the traffic would stay out of your way.

Anyways great fun this morning, will see you next week.

Does the Double Bubble come in clear? Every time I get a new bike I install a dark shield and realize it is no good for me because I actually use my screen for a type of racing we do here in D.C. which is top speed runs from 50 mph. on up. Cyclestuff, does the Magical Racing shield come in clear? Also, post a pic of the Magical Racing shield on a Busa 4 me.