Check out this post from the ZX-12 site.
"Read this on the board.
Will we have this comparo soon???!!!
By rickeygadson (Rickeyg) on Thursday, October 14, 1999 - 10:48 pm:
First of all;
What are you talking about? What ZX-12 went only 9.8? What test bike are you referring too? Please
enlighten me since I am the only one with a released ZX-12 on the planet, and since I have not been
to the dragstrip yet, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT????????
You need to go back and read the article about starting RUMORS that scooter wrote last month,
because you are just the kind of person he was talking about.
You are not a representative for any manufacturer,so you should not comment on things of which you
have absolutely no knowledge of,period!
I am not about to get into a confrontation with you like Brock did, but since I know that you are
behind the phone call I received while I was in Texas, challenging me to race the 12 against you guys
Busa's, you have pissed me off!!!!!!
You were also at the track Friday night talking trash about me,(which you do at every available
opportunity) being scared to race you top end with the ZX-12.
I will tell you what! LET'S DO IT!!!!!
Meet me this Saturday at Crossroads Powersports at 12 noon with your stock geared GSX1300R, at
that time we will put it on the dyno to prove that it is stock, so that we can have a fair race of 2
stock motorcycles, and if in fact it puts out stock numbers, then we can hit the Highway were I will
show your eyeabuser what the tail light of the new 12 looks like too.
And Billy when it is all over with, try to be a real man and admit defeat, and do not make any
excuses like,"Aw man, Kawasaki gave Rickey a special hopped up 12", which is the same thing you
said about the ZX-9R last year, which proved not to be true.
Be a man and speak, only when spoken too!!!
P.S. Bring witnesses, I am! "