ZX12 Speed Limiter Verified!


Dana, where on earth did you hear this one from? That's so far fetched it seems it's *got* to be a prank! This motorcycle stuff is sure getting loony! I'm not bagging on you personally, the whole idea is very intriguing from a techno point of view, it's just the most far fetched reason yet.
...And that's why the Department of Defense has lifted the restriction on non-military GPS units.

I heard the chrome Busa isn't affected. ...but that's just rumor
If this was at all true about GPS they would have a unique identifier built in also and you'd be getting nicked for speeding all the time, cos THEY would know where you're bike is at all times. (Sounds like a good theft deterrent).
I'm afraid somebodys fed you a line there, if it wasn't a dream....
I dream't the 12 would be slower and that one came true.
Now I know why it was so easy for MC to print anything and people believe it! :)
Dana, all true! I've also found out that the goverment is using this data to pick out talented riders, then brainwash and train them to be assassins! (see LAbusas HOF post). This was confirmed by the underground magazine IWISHIHADANOSCARMEYERSBUSA by the talented writer Don T. Givadam.

Todd, my thoughts exactly.
Ya all go ahead and grin while you can. This year, GM's marketing an "ONStar" system in their Tahoe's and Suburbans and probably other vehicles. It's an all the time communication system that can track the vehicle. It automatically calls 'central' if the vehicle breaks down. The saleman told me it could be shut down for privacy, but then admitted that it has a "LowJack" style anti-theft deterrent.
Just a couple more years and technology improvements will make this stuff smaller and cheaper. How long before the same American government that demands electronic personal-recognition locking devices on handguns (S&W toadied to them already) will demand constant broadcast vehicle-identities, with GPS positioning and speed calculations? Think this is farfetched?
Watch the A & E special on street racing in Toronto that I saw last night. The Canadian Polizei might beat the USA in acquiring this technology for citizen control. They're serious about such stuff.

We'll all be pushing up the daisies long before that happens. And if not, I'm sure we can fix you before it becomes an issue.

I envision a black market underground community of lawless motorcyclists who tamper with governmental property to make them "see" our bikes going the lawful limits, when we're really doing about 3x that speed. And we'll use the drive throughs at Taco Bell too!
A built in GPS would sure be nice for fixing these happy speedos. No more yellow box adjustment at every sprocket change! They could put in a top of the line unit in the Busa and the bike still be way cheaper than the 12. Then I can hear all the stories about how the satellites are limited just for the 12. Sounds like someone is mixing their drinks a little strong today! Jack

For all of you ZX12 fans it has been proven that the ZX12 is artificially limited.

It uses GPS satalites to pick up its true speed. Therefore the bike can be run full speed on a dyno because it is not moving.

To cure this, I suggest that the Zx12 riders get some lead foil and cover their instrument clusters with it (you only need to block part of it). This will prevent RF signals from being recieved by the speed limiter and you will be able to break that elusive 200mph that is (was) rumored for the 12.

Or if you want a sure fire fix for having a fast bike (with no BS, rumors, or other exucses like speed limiters that don't exsist) you could just save yourself some trouble and buy a Hayabusa...

Thanks Rob.

I though a few lines in there would give it away that I wasn't serious (especially the part about speed limiters that don't exsist).

Realistically though, if the ZX12 were artificailly limited, it would have to be something as bizzar as that.

I got a Summit Racing catalog the other day. In it it has a speedometer that they claim is the worlds most accurate requiring no wiring. Yes it works off the GPS satalites. It was $399 if I remeber correctly and fits in a speedcutout of a car.

As far as speed limiting and monitoring of cars its not far fetched. When I was in Germany on October I saw some British TV. They were performing public tests of just such a system because they have found tha permanent radar doesn't slow vehicles down except for right where it is (I wonder how much money was spent on that study??).

Well, anayways I can sell any ZX12 owner the lead foil custon fit to the instrument cluster for $149.99 :)

What a bargin!!

If I was stupid enough to fork out an extra £2000 for a zx12 I am sure I would be stupid enough to place an order DanaT!!!!