Anybody know if ere is a new busa on the way?


Arg, it finally happened to me, went out and took off the tarp in the garage this weekend, and the bike looked outdated....arg!! In a sea of all the new litre bikes out there alot of the design elements on the busa... and the performance gap is starting to close, if not been surpassed. I was wondering in anybody had any "reliable" info about the possibility of a new design or a link to any info regarding the possibility of and redesigned bus.... any info would be helpful!!
actually, I do know. I'm just not telling any of you until you deposit $5 each into my paypal account, then, and only then will I drop the bomb. You will be amazed! I have inside sources not even known to MSN.

Get it while it's still hot! Amaze your friends with my amazing knowledge.

Here is just a teaser... I'll type two words..

Heated, and Seat.

Thats all i'm letting slip until your money starts flowing in!

paypal - for the scoop that will end all scoops.

I have the information you want, I am the knower of knowing, the water that flows from the fountain of busa knowledge. My sources must remain secret. Folks there is a conspiracy, and I know the details.

You will completely flip out. I gaurantee it or I'll refund 2/10th of your money!
No one knows yet....
I'll post here and when I know.
actually, I do know.  I'm just not telling any of you until  you deposit $5 each into my paypal account, then, and only then will I drop the bomb.   You will be amazed! I have inside sources not even known to MSN.

Get it while it's still hot! Amaze your friends with my amazing knowledge.

Here is just a teaser...  I'll type two words..

Heated, and Seat.

Thats all i'm letting slip until your money starts flowing in!

paypal - for the scoop that will end all scoops.

I have the information you want, I am the knower of knowing, the water that flows from the fountain of busa knowledge.  My sources must remain secret.  Folks there is a conspiracy, and I know the details.

You will completely flip out. I gaurantee it or I'll refund 2/10th of your money!
Yup, I heard it is gonna have 200 hp [/QUOTE]


actually, I do know. I'm just not telling any of you until you deposit $5 each into my paypal account, then, and only then will I drop the bomb. You will be amazed! I have inside sources not even known to MSN.

Get it while it's still hot! Amaze your friends with my amazing knowledge.

Here is just a teaser... I'll type two words..

Heated, and Seat.

Thats all i'm letting slip until your money starts flowing in!

paypal - for the scoop that will end all scoops.

I have the information you want, I am the knower of knowing, the water that flows from the fountain of busa knowledge. My sources must remain secret. Folks there is a conspiracy, and I know the details.

You will completely flip out. I gaurantee it or I'll refund 2/10th of your money! [/QUOTE]

The annual debate has begun. Every year we do the same thing. No one will know anything until the fall timeframe.
I guess I don't get the "looks outdated" comment. What, it doesn't look like a butt-ugly ZX-12? I think the Busa is STILL the best looking bike on the market. I don't like the looks of the new bikes at all. But then again, that is just my opinion!!
i was at the suzuki dealer the other day and the salesman said the 06 busa was definitely going to be an all new bike .

i never belive salesmen but the weird thing is i went in there to ask about pricing on a new 05 .

like i said i never belive salesmen but if i was asking about picking up an 05 then why would he jeopordize loosing a sale( i told him maybe i would just wait and not pick up an 05 if it was going to change drasticly)

he said "he knew 100% that 06 would be a whole new bike"

i know the guy pretty well but who knows , i will belive it when i see it

it wouldnt be the first time that a salesman lied to me
Thats what i heard last year is that they were waiting til 06 so start saving your pennies
I'm telling ya guys, I know!!.. I mean I KNOW.. i know the designers, and the engineers. I drink with them on Tuesdays!!!

$5 is all it takes to find out the the TRUTH!!

.. or my version of it at any rate.

paypal -

come on!!

lmao, if that dolt can get money for not shooting that damn rabbit I can find some idgits that'll give me money for something too!
did you check the updates...he now has 18k and hes got pics of toby on a cutting board and in a pot
. For anyone whos concerned toby has had dierreha lately but it should be fine cause he's on a fiber diet
I guess I don't get the "looks outdated" comment. What, it doesn't look like a butt-ugly ZX-12? I think the Busa is STILL the best looking bike on the market. I don't like the looks of the new bikes at all. But then again, that is just my opinion!!
I can't understand why he'd consider the 'Busa "outdated" when no other bike has looked like it before or since.

Unique is more like it...
In a dealership yesterday looking at the new 05 Gix 1K when an old guy walks up and starts talking about my busa. He says, "yep they're coming out with a 1500cc that'll do 250 mph!" He's serious and me and the mech started laughing. He truly looked like the real Suzuki insider. NOT
...and the performance gap is starting to close, if not been surpassed.
The new literbikes closing the performance gap??? Not in real world terms. Think about it for a minute...

On the bus, I can use more of that 1300cc's more of the time because of the very linear power deliver, longish wheelbase, low cg and higher curb weight as compared to the new repli's.

I might agree with you that, when ridden by true professionals, the new literbikes will outclass the might bus, but for day-in, day-out riding by mere mortals such as we, it's hard to beat a Hayabusa.

If you don't like the looks of the thing, don't whine about it and trade it off, but a second class citizen in the peformance world a Suzuki Hayabusa is not!

My .02 worth only, YMMV
did you check the updates...he now has 18k and hes got pics of toby on a cutting board and in a pot
. For anyone whos concerned toby has had dierreha lately but it should be fine cause he's on a fiber diet
hehe, nah. I couldn't bring myself to go back to the site anymore.

Thats so damn annoying thats he is doing that. I should have thought of that first!!!

Thats the part that really gets me... a 20,000$ idea and I didn't even think of it!
I'm a technical reconstruction engineer at Suzuki and have been on the team in redesigning the Hayabusa for about 2 years now. Due to my contract i cannot completely speak openly about the 06' But, i will reveal a few things, 195hp, radial front brakes, a dry weight of 445 lbs and the exhaust is routed through the tailsection for better streamlining.
The final rendition of the new bodywork is still being worked out.

If you believe this, then i have a bridge to sell you too.  

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You pr*ck, you nearly had me for a second!  

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