Crash, ouch :(


I had no clue where to put this so i'll put it here. Last night I was riding from outta town home when a storm brewed up so I slowed down a bunch in the rain, I was pulling through a small town going about 40 when out of nowhere I get thrown off my busa and slide about a block. Luckily I didn't get ran over by the truck behind me
I picked up my girl and she started right up so I pulled her off to the side of the road and walked back to see WTF happened... This is what really pisses me off, I was going through a construction zone and they had everything marked off right, but failed to mark off a huge pot hole. I couldn't see it because it was filled up with water and it was dark so it just looked like a normal water puddle. I got away with some road rash on my right arm (ill post a pic when i can) the bike got the bad end. The nose is broken, right turn signal broken, the metal bar frame deal (no clue what its called) is bent, and the front rim is scuffed
Stupid a$$ construction... anyone know where I can get a new nose frame and plastics?
Sounds like you mean the front fairing stay... you can usually find them on Feebay for about $100-$130... may be some people who have extra parts for you, recommend you post what you need in wanted and see if anyone can help you out. You may also want to check the pay it forward thread to see if anyone has already offered up anything that you need.

Sorry this happened to you... if you need some help tracking stuff down, let me know.

Moved to accident for housekeeping,

Ouch...that had to suck. Sorry to hear about it but glad you came out of it okay.
Sounds like the city owes you a repair bill. If it wasn't marked they should be held liable for all damages. Glad your OK, sounds like it could have been alot worse.
city usually has some type of loss recovery program for incidents like this...
Sorry to hear about it, bro. Glad you were okay. The bike can be repaired.
Amber turn signal. Yeah I got the police report, apparently it was my fault because the lighting was "sufficient" which was BS, its a small town with the really old street lights that have way horrible output.