do you prefer - or + ?

Do you prefer positive or negative

  • Negative

    Votes: 8 11.8%
  • Positive

    Votes: 60 88.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Donating Member
Do you prefer to surround yourself with negativity or positivity?

Now, before you answer the OBVIOUS wishful thinking answer, take a moment to think about what you access, see, read, watch and CHOOSE to indulge in, on a daily basis. Examining THAT will tell you what you REALLY prefer. On a scale where it is impossible to be 50-50 equal on both, which way does it lean? Think about all you choose to see hear and absorb during a day.

Maybe a brief explanation of your choice also would be interesting.
Realism, tell me the facts. Once I have the facts, Ill approach with a positive attitude.

Attitude isnt everything, but it influences EVERYTHING.
Positive definitely. I'm not big on whining, excuses or negative attitudes. They don't accomplish anything!
do you absorb negative or positive facts?

Absorb?=Memorize? Things that cause pain, tend to burn some of the deepest memories.

Then again my father did some nice things for me. Ill make sure I do the same for my son.

Maybe me no understand the question:stoopid:
A narrower definition of negative and positive will be required for your inquiry to have meaning.

Psychic energy, or battery terminals?

Funny as I was just having this conversation with the wife last night.

Since December I have "checked out" and no longer watch, listen to, or read the news. I came the realization that sensationalism sells and the media does not care to provide information in a non-bias manner.

I am SOOO MUCH HAPPIER as a result of tuning it all out. The wife said several of her co-workers were mentioning the exact same thing. Many are becoming tired of the same sensational journalism.

Before you go off on how I'm being an isolationist, I'm not. I'm well educated and I read trade periodicals daily. I'm interested in the macro movements of the markets and keep tabs on the factual flow of data. I'm just not interested in hearing about a politicians affair or a murder on the east coast that has no direct impact on me. I hope the advertisers come to the same realization, because I'm not seeing their ads and I suspect more and more people are doing the same.
Preference vs. Reality

I PREFER to be surrounded by positivity but in REALITY I find myself encountering more negativity.
Funny as I was just having this conversation with the wife last night.

Since December I have "checked out" and no longer watch, listen to, or read the news.

Yes that is kinda what this thread is about. It is nearly impossible to SEE THRU the crap when you are swimming in it, but ONLY AFTER you get out of the sesspool, can you step back and realize how bad it is for you. And just how much of it there is... all the time, every day, every year. It's deafening once you are no longer used to dining on it.

Some guy in L.A. should not have to hear about a gang rape in NY. He couldn't possibly help the victim and if it was his family, he would get the news elsewhere. Crime happens but you don't have to hear about it 24/7.

My observations as an outsider are that most people live in the negative, yet the poll claims they don't. I walk past a guy who listens to talk [complain?] radio all day at his desk. EIGHT HOURS of "This is wrong, bad sucks" Everyday at work! That CAN'T be healthy!! People watch news 3 times a day, read papers all the time without even thinking about it because it is "Important to keep up with what is going on in the world"


It's MORE IMPORTANT to keep up with what is going on in your family, with your kids, with your spouse, even your friends lives... how intimate are you with your closest friends? no matter what you do or who you are YOU could not have prevent that robbery in another city, or protected someone in another country. What are you doing to protect YOUR REAL life family or your soul from pointless poisoning?

Anyhow, nothing against H.ORG, I love this place, but I see so many "News" items posted up and I wonder why people WANT or CHOOSE to see that stuff? I CHOOSE to not open those threads to protect my soul from more poison.

rant rant rant You know me :)
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Absorb?=Memorize? Things that cause pain, tend to burn some of the deepest memories.

Then again my father did some nice things for me. Ill make sure I do the same for my son.

Maybe me no understand the question:stoopid:

The information you speak of, whether real or fiction, can be positive or negative to you. Not your interpretation of it, although that only serves to cloud this issue... lets say "Violent crime", no matter who you are violent crime is bad, IE negative. If you sat and watched the violent crime channel on cable for 5 hours every day, that would be bad for you. I'm pretty sure it's a proven psychological fact that our senses influence our preception and even physical health, not to mention mentally and spiritually.

Would you CHOOSE to observe these nasty violent crimes on purpose? Or is it a byproduct you accept as "News" or REALITY INFORMATION? It still has an effect on you.

Which do you prefer to hear? By examining what you TRULY ARE seeing by your choice throughout the day, one must assume THAT is your REAL preference and the answer to this question. Right?
is this a trick question? ???

nope. just read and understand the context I explained to determine yoru answer. What do you REALLY choose, not what you WISH you would choose. What are YOU REALLY choosing for your daily info rationing?
The information you speak of, whether real or fiction, can be positive or negative to you. Not your interpretation of it, although that only serves to cloud this issue... lets say "Violent crime", no matter who you are violent crime is bad, IE negative. If you sat and watched the violent crime channel on cable for 5 hours every day, that would be bad for you. I'm pretty sure it's a proven psychological fact that our senses influence our preception and even physical health, not to mention mentally and spiritually.

Would you CHOOSE to observe these nasty violent crimes on purpose? Or is it a byproduct you accept as "News" or REALITY INFORMATION? It still has an effect on you.

Which do you prefer to hear? By examining what you TRULY ARE seeing by your choice throughout the day, one must assume THAT is your REAL preference and the answer to this question. Right?

Thanks for clarificatin, constant negetive bombardment is going to have an effect.

If we spent a year on a deserted island, it would be interesting to see how the personality/attitudes changed.

A man who lived alone in a ghost town was once asked, "What's the matter with you, dont you like people"?

He replied, "I like people alot, I hardly ever see any, thats why I like them so much"