Dropped bike yesterday


Donating Member
I can’t believe it… damn it.
This has only happened once before in 10 years of riding… except I was smarter the first time and had let the bike drop without trying to save it. Smarter – or maybe I love my Busa more and in that split second, let my knee take the brunt of the force.

I was at a gas station yesterday coming back from the 2006 Superbike Shootout that UUBusa posted pics of yesterday… great pics btw. Anyway, slight incline to the front… bike is stopped, feet on the asphalt. I turn the handlebars to the right and give myself a little foot power and scoot the bike to the right… to eventually park the bike pointing up the incline instead of pointing down. Handle bars are cranked all the way to the right… bike starts to lean to the right…my leg is a little forward and not in a position to catch the weight… I do a little bunny hop foot placement and the weight of the bike is completely on my right leg… my knee fails and bends to the side feeling the same as a twisted ankle. The bike comes down on my right leg and knee. Ouch.

I’m on a crutch today; I can’t put any weight on it at all. Luckily I had the day off. My knee is pretty swollen, but it’ll heal. I think my knee just gave out… 8 years of morning PT complements of Uncle Sam as well as all the other bodily conditioning that goes along with “being all you can beâ€â€¦LOL.

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My buddies all say that I can buff out the fairing with some mothers polish, but I’ve never polished paint before… anyone have any experience with that? I’d hate to end up making it worse that it is


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Not too bad, probably leave the sticker as is.


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Just that one rough piece by the can band… probably take a metal file and get it looking smooth again.


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Dang it. I had thought about pig spotters, but I use my mirrors constantly and don’t think the pig spotter would give me the same scope of rear sight the stock mirrors do. Anyone know? Anyone know of anything that will take out the scratches in the stock mirror? A friend had suggested 2000 grit sandpaper… but I don’t want to do any experimenting and make it look worse than it is.


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I’m not really worried about the bar end… planning on the chrome grips and bar ends next weekend anyway.


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She still looks sexy. Any comments on fixing the damage would be great. I know it’s not much and most people would probably just blow it off, but for me as with all the bikes I have ever owned… I’m very passionate about them. It’s my only stress relief in a very chaotic and stressful life. I’m very particular about the upkeep and appearance and want to get my Busa back in immaculate condition. Thanks for the help


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Sorry to hear, wife dropped mine too. Hope the knee heals up quick.  Tiny scratches are still in my plastic over the case cover like yours.  Only I know that they're there

Mirror a bit scatched (got new ones), no damage to throttle meisters.  Frame sliders saved me, and she called the neighbor who got a freind to help him lift it up.

Hope you can get her back right  

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I can’t believe it… damn it.
This has only happened once before in 10 years of riding… except I was smarter the first time and had let the bike drop without trying to save it. Smarter – or maybe I love my Busa more and in that split second, let my knee take the brunt of the force.

I was at a gas station yesterday coming back from the 2006 Superbike Shootout that UUBusa posted pics of yesterday… great pics btw. Anyway, slight incline to the front… bike is stopped, feet on the asphalt. I turn the handlebars to the right and give myself a little foot power and scoot the bike to the right… to eventually park the bike pointing up the incline instead of pointing down. Handle bars are cranked all the way to the right… bike starts to lean to the right…my leg is a little forward and not in a position to catch the weight… I do a little bunny hop foot placement and the weight of the bike is completely on my right leg… my knee fails and bends to the side feeling the same as a twisted ankle. The bike comes down on my right leg and knee. Ouch.

I’m on a crutch today; I can’t put any weight on it at all. Luckily I had the day off. My knee is pretty swollen, but it’ll heal. I think my knee just gave out… 8 years of morning PT complements of Uncle Sam as well as all the other bodily conditioning that goes along with “being all you can beâ€â€¦LOL.

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My buddies all say that I can buff out the fairing with some mothers polish, but I’ve never polished paint before… anyone have any experience with that? I’d hate to end up making it worse that it is
did almost exactly the same thing years ago - stopped on an incline and bike got past the point of no return. I tried to catch it and the weight of the bike caused me to fall on my right knee. Finished the trip, about 300 more miles.

The pain wouldn't go away so I had it x-rayed. Clean fracture through the knee cap. Doc said they couldn't put it in a cast - just don't do anything that makes it hurt.

Took about a month before I got back to normal.

If pain persists see a doc. They may have better treatment now.

Sorry to hear about the drop, bro! New mirrors are cheap and you may be able to buff the scratches out if they aren't too deep. Sure you'll have her back looking showroom fresh in no time.
Nu Finish, Scratch Doctor-removed some small scratch on my 05 LE. Just take your time. And like Big said mirrors are cheap, check E-bay $20.00. Good Luck and hope the knee feel better to ride soon!
The pain wouldn't go away so I had it x-rayed. Clean fracture through the knee cap. Doc said they couldn't put it in a cast - just don't do anything that makes it hurt.

Took about a month before I got back to normal.

If pain persists see a doc. They may have better treatment now.[/QUOTE]

Thanks drumminman

I'm trying to keep all the weight off it for now, next weekend is Rolling Thunder...  

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She still looks sexy. Any comments on fixing the damage would be great. I know it’s not much and most people would probably just blow it off, but for me as with all the bikes I have ever owned… I’m very passionate about them. It’s my only stress relief in a very chaotic and stressful life. I’m very particular about the upkeep and appearance and want to get my Busa back in immaculate condition. Thanks for the help
Same here.... Kinda wierd both our stress relief devices (IE Bikes) went down on the same day... In the same state. Twilight zone-ish huh?
even if it wont buff out with just polish you can take some 2000 grit paper and just lightly rub out the scratch in a circular motion but the easiest way to tell if it will buff out if you cant catch your finger nail in ti it will usually buff out other wise tis time for color sanding its very simple just make sure you have a buffer on hand and some 3M heavy duty rubbing/polishing compound if you go this route let me know ill be glad to help you through it............sorry about your leg not much i can tell ya about it !!!! good luck
My bike fell over (knocked over by car) with very similar injuries to the bike. I sanded the right mirror with 1000-2000 grit and it worked out ok, I buffed out most of the scratches and ordered new decals online. There was just one large mark right at the bottom like the one in you first picture, it was toast so I opted for a cool decal for $20 instead of $400 for a whole new fairing. When I get some extra change that I don't want to use for performance gains I will replace the fairing but for now it is fine cause the scratch isn't slowing me down any

I ended up replacing the mirrors and like you was looking at pig spotters but I went with a set of chrome diamond mirrors that have a slightly better rear view but still less than the stock ones. Glad it wasn't worse.
Dropped mine last week. Looks pretty much like the same damage as yours. Not enough for me to worry about immediately. I probably won't do anything untill this winter when I have some down time because of the weather.
Thanks for all the feedback guys. I'm feeling a little better about it. I can tell ya, I was sick to my stomach when it happened. Now I'm starting to look at it as "added character", but I will get it back to show room condition eventually.

Knee is still pretty banged up. Swelling is starting to go down, but still need the crutch to travel any distance. I am able to put more weight on it today than yesterday.... so the signs are that it is healing.

Now if only it'll be better by Sunday "Rolling Thunder" I'll be okay... otherwise I might have to rig something up like "Dr. House" did for his cane on his Ducati. (House MD - Fox Tues Nights).
Sorry to hear of your misfortune. The bike will be back to new condition before you know it. My concern for you is the knee. I twisted my knee just after returning from Viet Nam, and did alot of damage to it for such a small accident. The knee still hurts today, and it was operated on in 1976! I hope you will go see the Dr. if you havn't already. as for the repairs, try steel wool on your mirrors, it will buff out pretty deep scratches. Paint the mirror with Krylon semi flat black paint and it will look like brand new. Take care of yourself.