Fogtech Products


Dear Friends

Have any of you used any Fogtech products?

I wonder if they leave a noticeable film on faceshields.

My Shoei RF1000 fogs up easily, even with the breath guard and I need to solve this problem. Plexus says it's an anti-fog product. I sprayed my shield with Plexus on both sides, and, though it fogs less, it still fogs too much for me.
I've used Fogtech but not their wipes. From their squeeze bottle, perfectly clear. Its just too expensive to use so I use this instead. Of course, mostly I use my fog free Scorpion helmet but for others, this, works very well!
I have in stock and use the Fog City inserts...
Dear Daniel

What's your price with camel-rate shipping to Buford, Georgia (30519)?

I just bought the less expensive Cat Crap product, but I believe I'll want to try Fogtech's product, too, because I've never seen a helmet shield fog so easily as my RF1000. It fogs even when it's warm and sunny outside.

Thanks for responding to my post. I look forward to doing business with you in the future.
I've used Fogtech but not their wipes.  From their squeeze bottle, perfectly clear.  Its just too expensive to use so I use this instead.  Of course, mostly I use my fog free Scorpion helmet but for others, this, works very well!
Dear Terry

I can't imagine using Cat Crap to clean my shield, but I'm going to give it whirl. I just placed an order a few minutes ago. Paying US$6.95 for shipping a US$3.99 product raises my blood pressure, but I'm beginning to think high shipping is just something we have to accept nowadays.

Thanks for responding to my inquiry and for providing a direct link to the product you recommended.

That stuff doesn't stink up the helmet too much, does it?
You can get the 'Crap' at most outdoor fitters stores and save on shipping. Deep sea divers use it. I don't use it for cleaning, just for defogging. Smear it on with a fingertip, let dry to a haze and then buff clear. Stays fog free all day! I use it only on the inside of a clean shield BTW. Works on my glasses too. Good luck!
Dear Terry

My Cat Crap was delivered today. I'd try it out but my helmet and 'Busa are over at my mother's. It was drizzly here in Georgia today and I didn't want to ride five miles in drizzle, so I just left the bike there. Maybe I can give it a whirl tomorrow.

When I rode over to Mama's I had a real problem with fog, so I'm looking forward to trying Cat Crap. Thanks again for the suggestion.
Just a suggestion. Try the Shoei pinlock shield. It will NEVER fog up on you. I have two of them. One with the clear insert and another with the dark smoke insert. You can exhale all you want and you can't make it fog up.