It's sold!!!

Well, it WAS sold, then it got unsold, now it's sold again.

Cross your fingers and pray to your gods, burn your incense and sacrifice your goats that THIS buyer will do as they say and buy the frickin' thing!!!


Well, it WAS sold, then it got unsold, now it's sold again.

Cross your fingers and pray to your gods, burn your incense and sacrifice your goats that THIS buyer will do as they say and buy the frickin' thing!!!

Good luck, when's the closing date??
Today, we finally signed the acceptance on the sale of the house.  Finally got a really good offer for a change.  This was the sixth offer we had, four over this past weekend alone.  The rest of the offers were pretty lame.

So, we sold our home of 5 years to a wonderfully cute little hispanic couple who will get years of enjoyment out of this house!

I'm pretty jazzed.  Look out New Mexico, here we come!


(With Busa and Gixxer in tow, of course!)  
Congrats mate...
