New Aussie



Congratulations on an excellent site, heaps of good opinions and lots of traffic. I'm Troy, named the new Busa Leviathan. I have to say it is 1 awesome piece of gear. My last bike was a 96 ZZR1100 and in it's day it was quick, but man it's day is well and truly over (All hail Suzuki).

I will be replacing the stock road anchors with dual slip-ons once I make up my mind (Two brothers M-2, Yoshi R77 or Ti-force, all carbon fiber).

Here's a pic, it's nice and shiney.

Yeah baby, welcome to the oRg! We have a few mates about from your area. Very very nice ride!
Welcome to your new addiction/family

PS the reflector mod is the cheapest mod
welcome aboard! It's great to see a post from some of the oz folks. To bad I'm not logged in the evenings or wee hours of the mornings (eastern standard time).
Thanks for your warm welcomes, now if you'll excuse me I've got alot of threads to catch up on.

Great selection...the fastest 'busa ever!

Might I recommend the 2bros carbon fiber? It's what I put on mine, and let me tell you...they're everything I wanted and the pattern in the fiber really goes with the finish of the bike.

Congrats, welcome aboard~


Why not go with a full system? A Yoshimura full system is only a couple hundred more than the bolt-on's.