Org Smartphone Apps


For work i have to wait for customer to arrive sometimes. Good thing we have smart phones. I go through game apps and news apps. I was wondering what the Org is onto with their apps?

I'm on the Infinity Blade trilogy atm, and Blek

For news i'm using Appygamer and Appygeek.

For real news i use safari mainly.

I've got more.. What are you all using?

I need to feed my ADD with new apps regularly.
For news on my smartphone I like news360 it's highly customizable ;

News360: Your personalized news reader app

If you are on android the Google play newsstand has a huge selection of websites and magazines. just a few i regularly check out. Scientific American, The Guardian, Cycle World, Slate, The Independent, Salon, The Atlantic, The New Yorker, Smithsonian Magazine, The New Republic, Foreign Affairs, Reuters, VOA News and too many more to list.

For dedicated single websites

CBC, BBC The Guardian, LA Times, CNN, Huffington Post, Daily Mail, Al Jazeera all have excellent stand alone apps.

I'm a news junkie too.

Godville is the only game I "play".
