Post your New Years resolution here

1)Take more time in life to enjoy the great open road with my wife and friends!
2)Not to sweat the small sh!t, and relax
Drop about 100 pounds
Grow Lawns Of Charleston
Be done with the anxiety once and for all
Dont pet sweaty thing, and not to sweat petty things
Do a little traveling this year
Drop about 150 lbs. Im 5'7" and weigh 320lbs. I tore my ACL in my left knee and gained all this weight. It sucks.
I am going to lose weight by starting a vigorous cardio program.
It involves having a lot more sex with my wife.
Further intensify my bicycle training from 100 miles weekly to 140 miles and get back into the gym for upper body stuff. Oh yeah, and eliminate processed food from my diet for longevity. (all self focused but I'm already pretty involved in my loved ones' lives)
I'm a bicycle guy. I am also one of the slowest riders in the group that I ride with. I want to be the fittest I have ever been for this year. So far the holiday goodies are not helping. This year I will be 52.

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My bicycle = 2005 Busa in $$

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Me on Mount Evans 2 years ago. I wasn't acclimated to the altitude.
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Spend less time on the puter and more time in the outdoors.

I bicycled 3500 miles last year, plus indoors in the winter....I'm old but I travel with a fast crowd. Ages 35-65. The trip this year is a Black Hills trip. Five hundred miles in four days.....hilly days.:whistle:

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Bicycle Ride Across Nebraska last year. Look at that gut.
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I bicycled 3500 miles last year, plus indoors in the winter....I'm old but I travel with a fast crowd. Ages 35-65. The trip this year is a Black Hills trip. Five hundred miles in four days.....hilly days.:whistle:

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Bicycle Ride Across Nebraska last year. Look at that gut.

Good for you, keep it up! It's great to see another serious cyclist with a Busa! I ride a Pinerrello myself and am 63 years old. I love keeping up with the "kids". This coming summer I'm planning a ride from Portland down the coast to San Francisco. Doyle