Should guns be banned?

Can anyone point me to a listing of all the gun regulations that have happened in the last 12 years? I'm honestly curious, because we hear all the time that our 2nd amendment rights are under assault, and the only thing I've really seen recently is that I dont have to take a course to conceal carry anymore, so I'm a bit confused as to where the assault is coming from... help me out here.

Just look up the Ca AWB laws :banghead: stupidest laws in the country, and they get dumber every day.
Not to speak for him, he's well capable of that, but I can see why his views are as they are. I assume he see's alot of negative things regarding firearms. Ive noticed that LEO's are just as varied as everyone else with their views on guns.

I have seen that as with Doyle's stance. But I guess Cap was a cop and he is still for them. Again, just a matter of perspective I guess.
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were debating Guns and whether or not we as a country are better off or worse off as a result of EVERYONE having access to them.

its not about me or you. the argument is whether we as a country are better or worse off with guns being so readily available to everyone. that is the debate here. and considering we have more gun violence then any other civilized country on earth its only common sense that we take a look at our gun policies.

when you go to work I doubt you worry about not coming home to your family because some animal wants to shoot and kill you for what you do for a living.

over 90% of ALL violent felonies involve GUNS. can you refute that?

Proof or BS.

You need to site your sources before spouting that cr@p, and don't say you were told that at a patrol briefing, cause they also say one pot plant is worth $5000 at those things.

Edit to add: how about refuted by the national institute of justice:
Gun Violence | National Institute of Justice

70% in 1977, 60% in 2005, 56% in 2010 :corner: As the number of firearms in the country increase, the crime rate decreases, and according to them over 90% of violent crimes committed with a gun are gang related. How much do you wanna bet those are legal guns, cause I will bet against that any day.
Educate yourself

Read about Australia when they destroyed legal citizens weapons how the crime rate increased.. Once your done educating yourself on them stats read about the Gun Laws in Switzerland... The answer is not to ban guns but to enforce the death penalty more rather then comforting our prisoners with cable tv, a gym and other luxury items at the tax payers expense.

Some of you are so BS filled by the media and brain washed
the death penalty has been proven NOT to be a deterrent. but I do agree with you on our prison system. its hardly a deterrent. its actually more of a badge of honor for most criminals. in fact, they get tattoos to signify their time in jail.

people think were gonna see an IMMEDIATE turn around if guns laws were changed. we absolutely would not see that. nor would we see an immediate positive change in our society if we legalized drugs. it would take many decades to see a positive impact but once its there we would see less and less crime.

considering just about anyone can get a gun these days (legal citizens and criminals) its hard to make the argument that if we had MORE guns in our society we would be safer. over the next 20 years gun violence in our country is only gonna get worse not better.

but countries like Germany, Japan, England, etc.... see virtually ZERO gun crimes.

and this may come as a surprise to everyone but shooting sprees are not rare in our country. since the early 80's we have seen over 60 spree shootings from one end of the country to the other and most all of them obtained their guns LEGALLY. its not just the KNOWN criminals that have access to guns that we have to be worried about.

as a society we have failed in thinking your every day American has the responsibility, maturity and common sense to possess a gun and not do something incredibly stupid with it....:whistle:

its pretty apparent that we as a society are not responsible enough to give EVERYONE under the sun access to a gun. THAT is my problem with the 2nd ammendment and if anyone here thinks im for EVERYONE having their guns taken away from them then they would be mistaken.

I am well aware of what the constitution says and have studied it for many years and am very familiar with the 2nd ammendment and would school many on constitutional law including all the ammendments and what they mean. im not ANTI-GUN. im a realist and have seen personally over the last 17 years how devestating guns are.

of all the mass murders that have taken place around the world the USA has the title for 15 of them. there has only been 25 or so.

there’s substantial evidence that indicates more guns means more murders. this is true whether youre looking at different countries or different states. we have a lot of people in this country that we would never dream of allowing our kids to be around certain people yet these same people can buy guns and either lose them, sell them, misplace them, give them away and report stolen, etc....

so yea EVERY jackass in this country should not have access to a gun just because he is not some felon or been in a mental institution. criminals get their gins from those who got them legally at one time. our gun policies are a joke!
Just an FYI Brett, I'm an EMT so I go into the same cr@p you do but I get to do it without a vest, badge, handcuffs or gun.
Proof or BS.

You need to site your sources before spouting that cr@p, and don't say you were told that at a patrol briefing, cause they also say one pot plant is worth $5000 at those things.

Edit to add: how about refuted by the national institute of justice:
Gun Violence | National Institute of Justice
im speaking from experience. what are you speaking from?

yea, where I work 90% of all violent felonies involve guns. Car jackings, Robberies with injuries (shot), drive-bye shootings, Home Invasions (shot), etc.... VIOLENT means guns. not knives, or bats or sticks. GUNS.

a patrol briefing? so now ur cojack?:whistle: those are real statistics speaking from real experience. not some internet link you researched....:whistle:
there’s substantial evidence that indicates more guns means more murders.

so yea EVERY jackass in this country should not have access to a gun just because he is not some felon or been in a mental institution. criminals get their gins from those who got them legally at one time. our gun policies are a joke!

See previous post then go extract foot from mouth.
Just an FYI Brett, I'm an EMT so I go into the same cr@p you do but I get to do it without a vest, badge, handcuffs or gun.

You're crazy, get a gun dude:laugh:

Thanks for doing it, Ive been gathered up by paramedics before, not an easy job:thumbsup:
im speaking from experience. what are you speaking from?

yea, where I work 90% of all violent felonies involve guns. Car jackings, Robberies with injuries (shot), drive-bye shootings, Home Invasions (shot), etc.... VIOLENT means guns. not knives, or bats or sticks. GUNS.

a patrol briefing? so now ur cojack?:whistle: those are real statistics speaking from real experience. not some internet link you researched....:whistle:

NATIONAL INSTITUTE = same .gov we work for. You keep a journal of how many violent crimes you've responded to and divide by how many of them involved guns :rofl: sure... sure...
over 90% of ALL violent felonies involve GUNS. can you refute that?

Yes I can as that is the largest amount of crap I've ever heard.
Please pay special attn to the chart included by our own Dept Of Justice.

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) - Weapon Use by Offense Type

Almost three quarters of the time there is NO WEAPON at all involved in a violent crime.
I certainly hope, I truly hope you as a police officer aren't going around repeating what you just said. Because as one in your position you would be wrongly informing all you say it to.

Yes I can as that is the largest amount of crap I've ever heard.
Please pay special attn to the chart included by our own Dept Of Justice.

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) - Weapon Use by Offense Type

Almost three quarters of the time there is NO WEAPON at all involved in a violent crime.
I certainly hope, I truly hope you as a police officer aren't going around repeating what you just said. Because as one in your position you would be wrongly informing all you say it to.

But Blanca, you're not a cop so you're not profeshunul enuf to refute Brett! Get outta her with your statistics and facts and stuff cuz he said! :rofl:

ETA: sides, where'd you get that stuff from? The INTERNETZ?!?

Agent - YouTube[/url]

Cuz only cops should have guns :whistle:
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easy fellas its starting to get personal.....

Brett probably should have thought of that before he started calling non police officers, "just any jackass without a felony or mental disorder" just sayin...

I don't like when people say I shouldn't be allowed my rights because their opinion differs from mine.

Edit, also see kojac refrence
I don't need a lesson on how to read or interpret the thread.... My comment was not just vague but did not include gender, job, title, member status, forum longevity, identity or was it directed at any one person... If your conscience calls you out then so Beit but please don't come back with " he said it first"...

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It looks like Texas is on the right track. Proposed changes that would allow CCW holders to carry anywhere in the state of Texas.
has anyone found any evidence or articles to "how" mother had her weapons secured and "how" he gained access to them. because until those details are actually published we are making allot of assumptions.

ps as a child i "knew" where mom and dad kept the keys to the safe, but i was raised to be responsible and fearful of god with a profound respect for human life. my children have been taught this also. hence why they "know" where my keys are also. as my daughter has been abducted from our home/property once before (age 5) and relives the nightmares still to this day (age 15) by my hand she KNOWS how to use all my weapons and by god i hope i have prepared her in case someone evil comes in my home again and will not leave her DEFENSELESS!! and that is why i also have some of my weapons (her room is full of her own personal knives i have bought her) "readily accessible" including handguns, knives, swords, hell even a real boar spear on the wall, all so that my home, my family, my life, may be saved from those who dont care about what i love (this includes the "powers that be").
Chris I used to keep the key to the gun vault pistol safe I had hidden in my room or at least I thought.
That was until my son showed my mom how he can find the key climb the safe and open daddy's box. This is a pistol safe I have not the main one.
Unless I'm home it's empty anyway but it was a cold reminder of how a child's curiosity can overpower what daddy has taught him about respect and not touching certain things. Had there been a weapon in there Id not be here because my mom and wife would most certainly have chopped me in half. I thought he didn't know where key was but apparently he did. Now I carry key with me and can't take the chance anymore.
I always kept the key on my car key ring, my wife did also.Kids are grown and out, not locked anymore unless we have visitors. If you take your kid hunting they will have a lot more respect for the danger and power of a gun.
I have a combination of many of the things listed above.

Guns were not even in the house until my kids were older.. Once I started bringing them in the house I locked them with gun locks and put into the closet. As I have accumulated my stash back up I have taken the boys out and let them shoot it all. My youngest won't even go near a shotgun after shooting a 3" Magnum 1oz rifle slug..... My boys can shoot accurately, safely any firearm I have, they know how to handle it, how to make it safe, and how to properly clean them. I made them both shoot with me so much that they got tired of it, I worked that curosity right out of them just like when I started riding at track days all of my desire to ride hard on the street went away.

I have biometric gun lock and the boys know what there but have no access to it... In time maybe but for now the world isn't so bad that they need to be digging in there without me.. I would put my youngest son against most anyone when it comes to handling a pistol and how to use it.

Personal accountability is the key for guns in the home....
