Speed governed vehicles


Donating Member
Was watching a show on TV where the German government is experimenting with speed governed vehicles which adapt to the area they are in-for instance in school zones and other speed sensitive areas. These vehicles automatically slow to the posted limit and the operator is unable to accelerate. I think it was in Munich...

I can only imagine if those trial go well and other countries adopt this...

I can see some applications for this though in subdivisions, school and hospital zones...
Don't get me started. Given the privilege of operating a vehicle capable of exceeding any speed limit in 1st gear, the least I can do is respect speed limit laws where they make the most sense. I love aggravating drivers by nailing 25 mph through school zones.

On the other hand, can't wait for the software to get mixed up about which zone is which and slowing to a crawl in all the wrong places.
Self driving cars make me concerned as there is already technology out there which will jam their signals. I could only imagine if it fell into the hands of a domestic terrorist what they would do with that tech....

I can imagine a whole bunch of self driving cars all going along and all of a sudden-boom-their systems get jammed. The accident which would follow would be huge...

Same as this governing tech...the 'bad guys' would have a hay-day with that.
Was watching a show on TV where the German government is experimenting with speed governed vehicles which adapt to the area they are in-for instance in school zones and other speed sensitive areas. These vehicles automatically slow to the posted limit and the operator is unable to accelerate. I think it was in Munich...

haven´t hear about that crap - yet - hopefully this idea will die as fast it got up.
from across the pond ;)
Here down under, we've had speed limiters fitted to trucks that stop them at a certain speed for a while now. Many trucks are supposed to be limited to 100kph /60mph top speed