The election is over

You don’t really believe there was no fraud do you? I can buy no what there was enough to make the slightest change. Or not enough to investigate but zero. Not one single American voted twice? Not one ballot worker being unethical?
I wish our system worked in a way that ensured none of that happens. Maybe after this things will change.

There must be a few discrepancies every election, given the size of the process. There isn't any evidence at all of more discrepancies in this election, and yet the discussion will simply not stop, because our current president refuses to accept defeat. He again is putting his personal pursuits ahead of the country, as he always has. His latest pursuit, to change Pennsylvania electors to his suiting, is ludicrous.
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WOW JUST WOW comparing Trump to Hitler..... That’s just messed up.
If you look at this from the outside in as a neutral bystander;

There are more than just a few similarities between them.

-Nationalism (almost extreme)-anti-globalism (stop funding WHO, wanting out of NATO/UN)

-a certain charisma attracting various elements within society (seen as a kindred spirit)

-not a politician (not a bad thing-just a similarity)

-using active military as a domestic tool (trying to send active troops to quell protests/riots-been done in other countries but is a similarity)

-threatening force upon other countries (in this case this could be many world leaders-but he Tweeted this idea out loud without filters)

-pushing his agenda upon his party and vetoing anyone who opposed him (tariffs on Canada and Mexico were strongly opposed within his party but got pushed anyway due to his insistence)

-MAGA-Although other presidents have used the term "Make America Great Again" Trump is the first to symbolize it where MAGA rallies have been held. The world takes a dim view of such symbols as the symbol of nationalism of WW2 is still echoing in our ears. MAGA has become a negative viewed symbol the world over where it never was before.

-a general mannerism of "it's my way or the hiway." He ignores his advisors and constantly makes arbitrary decisions
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There must be a few discrepancies every election, given the size of the process. There isn't any evidence at all of more discrepancies in this election, and yet the discussion will simply not stop, because our current president refuses to accept defeat. He again is putting his personal pursuits ahead of the country, as he always has. His latest pursuit, to change Pennsylvania electors to his suiting, is ludicrous.
Hope your right.
If you look at this from the outside in as a neutral bystander;

There are more than just a few similarities between them.

-Nationalism (almost extreme)-anti-globalism (stop funding WHO, wanting out of NATO/UN)

-a certain charisma attracting various elements within society (seen as a kindred spirit)

-not a politician (not a bad thing-just a similarity)

-using active military as a domestic tool (trying to send active troops to quell protests/riots-been done in other countries but is a similarity)

-threatening force upon other countries (in this case this could be many world leaders-but he Tweeted this idea out loud without filters)

-pushing his agenda upon his party and vetoing anyone who opposed him (tariffs on Canada and Mexico were strongly opposed within his party but got pushed anyway due to his insistence)

-MAGA-Although other presidents have used the term "Make America Great Again" Trump is the first to symbolize it where MAGA rallies have been held. The world takes a dim view of such symbols as the symbol of nationalism of WW2 is still echoing in our ears. MAGA has become a negative viewed symbol the world over where it never was before.

-a general mannerism of "it's my way or the hiway." He ignores his advisors and constantly makes arbitrary decisions
I’m surprised people find any of that negative.

Its exactly why people voted for him.
If you look at this from the outside in as a neutral bystander;

There are more than just a few similarities between them.

-Nationalism (almost extreme)-anti-globalism (stop funding WHO, wanting out of NATO/UN)

-a certain charisma attracting various elements within society (seen as a kindred spirit)

-not a politician (not a bad thing-just a similarity)

-using active military as a domestic tool (trying to send active troops to quell protests/riots-been done in other countries but is a similarity)

-threatening force upon other countries (in this case this could be many world leaders-but he Tweeted this idea out loud without filters)

-pushing his agenda upon his party and vetoing anyone who opposed him (tariffs on Canada and Mexico were strongly opposed within his party but got pushed anyway due to his insistence)

-MAGA-Although other presidents have used the term "Make America Great Again" Trump is the first to symbolize it where MAGA rallies have been held. The world takes a dim view of such symbols as the symbol of nationalism of WW2 is still echoing in our ears. MAGA has become a negative viewed symbol the world over where it never was before.

-a general mannerism of "it's my way or the hiway." He ignores his advisors and constantly makes arbitrary decisions

You forgot removing anybody in a position that doesn't support or agree with him. Surrounding himself with family, close friends and allies in position of power.
You forgot removing anybody in a position that doesn't support or agree with him. Surrounding himself with family, close friends and allies in position of power.
Of course, he's making as many moves as possible during the lame duck period. I’ll say this for Trump. Throws tradition out the window, although in my opinion it’s out of spite. The man has no regard for anyone but himself.


how many votes were given completely in the us at this vote?

as i understood wide wide over 100 millions

so what the heck some 10 thousand of eventually wrong/fualty votes, spread all over that huge country / state with all over more than 250 million inhabitants,
could have that influence to an election?

i say - totaly nothing - a percentage of less than 0.01% (10 th of 100 m) - such a small proportion can - however - never have any effect.
and even if it were 100 000 wrong votes it would be a percentage of 0.1% . so what shall´s?
what influence 0.1 % can have? i tell ya - none.

in my / the european view the only conspiracy that the states really suffer from is the one that the out voted president threw around the world at the beginning of this year by speaking of fraudulent postal voting long before the election started.

evidence of any kind of conspiracy / fraudulent votes?
not a single one - and no court has admitted a lawsuit.

only those salivators like this former mayor are still on his line - blinded by his dictatorial, bossy populism and equipped with mental horseblinders.

so better would be to throw away all blinders to get a 180° view to the whole, entire picture.

but i fear that this "throwing away" / getting rid of the blinders will need decades. :(

remember we here in germany have, even 75 years after the worst moment, still right radicals who want back that horrible system.
so much to the theme getting rid of bad thinking.
Ya nope not really.
Well, actually yes, some of the ideology shown by the former president were border-line fascist and to think that many Americans would get behind such a movement is scary.

For people to blindly follow such a leader is historical-in the sense this has been done before with dire consequences.

Take a look at the di-hard followers-all heavily armed and many of them sporting a confederate flag (or it's replacement-the MAGA flag). Images such as this have been from failed states all across the world-I've had the displeasure of being in many of these failed states and I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

I might not be any great picnic under the new administration but the chance of the US falling into the next list of failed states might be averted. The only way to survive in the world today is to unite with your allies and form a strong unbreakable bond. That bond was getting broken under the previous administration, hopefully the new one can build it back up.
from very far away across the pond from an old man
only one single personal statement with a lot of fear for our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

it is an absolute mockery that a single person can bring as much hatred into a people as this deselected narcissistic idiot and that his party don´t stop him / kick him out of his job.
can't someone just take it easy and hit him to death like a rabid dog and put an end to this madness that he calls politics?
how in the world can a president fuel the flood of conspiracy theories? it's the greatest bullshit and madness that has happened since ww2.
the political legacy he will leave will probably worry us all a lot - think about my words, if e.g. the taliban take power again in afghanistan.

yes - he does for example this nonsense he promised whatever it may cost only to accomplish his silly promises without regard to losses and how huge they might will become.

never forgett - a leader / president has a damned duty to unite a people but never to divide them.
if this way of politics last any longer, a kind of civil war will be the result i fear.

stop this madness as quickly as possible (best next 1 or two days), then put him in the darkest dungeon and let him rot there so that he can never see the light of day again or even run again for an election .
Mr. Berlin, you are probably not equipped with the best of knowledge to jump into American politics.

In Germany, if you click your heels and throw a Hitler salute, you go to jail, whether you are a citizen or a tourist. Free speech can land you in jail also, to enjoy some free Sauerkraut.

America is a country of freedom, where people can speak their mind, burn the flag, disrespect the anthem at a ball game by kneeling.

So it follows that there is no respect for authority, especially from one political party to the other.

In short, politics over here is extremely DIRTY.

It is unfortunate, but it is what it is.

It is Time for Trump to go, but we needed a Viking for a while to cut through all the bullish!t and get some important stuff done.

And, a Viking will always be a Viking, you can’t change that.
I’m surprised people find any of that negative.

Its exactly why people voted for him.
But to compare to a guy that was responsi


how many votes were given completely in the us at this vote?

as i understood wide wide over 100 millions

so what the heck some 10 thousand of eventually wrong/fualty votes, spread all over that huge country / state with all over more than 250 million inhabitants,
could have that influence to an election?

i say - totaly nothing - a percentage of less than 0.01% (10 th of 100 m) - such a small proportion can - however - never have any effect.
and even if it were 100 000 wrong votes it would be a percentage of 0.1% . so what shall´s?
what influence 0.1 % can have? i tell ya - none.

in my / the european view the only conspiracy that the states really suffer from is the one that the out voted president threw around the world at the beginning of this year by speaking of fraudulent postal voting long before the election started.

evidence of any kind of conspiracy / fraudulent votes?
not a single one - and no court has admitted a lawsuit.

only those salivators like this former mayor are still on his line - blinded by his dictatorial, bossy populism and equipped with mental horseblinders.

so better would be to throw away all blinders to get a 180° view to the whole, entire picture.

but i fear that this "throwing away" / getting rid of the blinders will need decades. :(

remember we here in germany have, even 75 years after the worst moment, still right radicals who want back that horrible system.
so much to the theme getting rid of bad thinking.
100,000 votes in the right place we wouldn’t have a new president.
Well, actually yes, some of the ideology shown by the former president were border-line fascist and to think that many Americans would get behind such a movement is scary.

For people to blindly follow such a leader is historical-in the sense this has been done before with dire consequences.

Take a look at the di-hard followers-all heavily armed and many of them sporting a confederate flag (or it's replacement-the MAGA flag). Images such as this have been from failed states all across the world-I've had the displeasure of being in many of these failed states and I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

I might not be any great picnic under the new administration but the chance of the US falling into the next list of failed states might be averted. The only way to survive in the world today is to unite with your allies and form a strong unbreakable bond. That bond was getting broken under the previous administration, hopefully the new one can build it back up.
Ya man I get it, my American flag, 2nd amendment and patriotism for my country sure are scary.

I should wear my bubble wrap suit around so I don’t scare anyone.

Wanna take a real guess as to why this is happening?
Ya man I get it, my American flag, 2nd amendment and patriotism for my country sure are scary.

I should wear my bubble wrap suit around so I don’t scare anyone.

Wanna take a real guess as to why this is happening?
Trump was not the "messiah" and no administration has the power to make the 2nd amendment go away although there are many successful countries around the world who don't operate within a gun culture.

Citizens having a right to possess weapons so they can rise up against an oppressive government worked in 1776 when there was a threat of the British (or other countries) invading mainland USA-let's hope it is never needed as that would signal the end of the USA as the world knows it. I would take a guess but this is not the first time weapons sales have skyrocketed in America..when there was talk of banning AR-15s, people went out and bought them all up-one guy had 25 of them....why anyone thinks they need such weapons baffles me.

I'd say the American flag and patriotism towards the US will be as strong as ever and maybe stronger as the world starts to see the US stabilize more.....the last administration created many enemies around the world who are sitting there licking their chops just waiting. I've seen the hatred towards the US first hand...don't know if it was from fear or contempt but it was a real threat towards US troops and citizens alike.

Like I said before, I would rank myself as a republican but not a supporter of Trump-march out a decent candidate for the leader of the republican party and all will be great. What Mr Biden does in his reign of power will be closely watched and critiqued. I have a stake in this as many of my family live in the US and my roots are there.

People didn't necessarily vote for Biden in this election-many just voted to get rid of Trump much like the last election-they voted for Trump because they didn't want Clinton...
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.the last administration created many enemies around the world who are sitting there licking their chops just waiting. I've seen the hatred towards the US first hand...don't know if it was from fear or contempt but it was a real threat towards US troops and citizens alike.

It depends on your favorite media channel.

Iran is no longer organizing proxy’s all over the Middle East to attack and cause chaos.

The politics between the US and Russia has largely stopped.

We no longer see much aggression from North Korea.

Despite recognizing Jerusalem as the capital and moving the embassy, we no longer hear much about the wars and terror between Israel and Palestinians. The wars were beyond terrible with the last administration

We now have a peace deal between UAE, Bahrain and Israel.

We no longer hear from the terror in Syria, Isis has gone quiet. Our troops who never should have been there in the first place are largely gone.

Attempts to strike a peace deal with the Taliban and Afghanistan towards removing our troops. We should never have been there in n the first place.

In every person there are positives and negatives and Trump sure has some negatives. He is currently doing a lot of damage to his own legacy.

It reminds me of a sign I saw here at a little gun shop in NC heavy Republican.

It said: Vote Republican, Trump may not be the best, but the other side is insane.

Maybe we needed a bad guy to fix some really unfair tariffs imposed on the US from Canada? No surprise Canadians are glad to see the end of him.
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Ya man I get it, my American flag, 2nd amendment and patriotism for my country sure are scary.

I should wear my bubble wrap suit around so I don’t scare anyone.

Wanna take a real guess as to why this is happening?

Why don’t you tell us?