The election is over

The economy was the biggest and best it had ever been in the history of the United States before the Chinese import was released on the world. I guess we have to give Obama credit for that because TDS will never be a validated mental disorder.

What you aren't aware of is that this country is under Marshall law right now... and the MSM will never tell you about it. The Corporation... as in the USA Corporation filed for Bankruptcy in Britain 13 months ago... we are now being governed by 2 generals in the military and the transfer of power of the military has already taken place... and JB is not in control of the military... its been a while since he received a military intelligence briefing... Notice the gold fringed flags and where they are placed in ceremonial activities... this is the flag of the USA Corporation. You will learn about it all some day.

JB is compromised... he is nothing more than a puppet for China and the elites that pay for the all the deconstruction that can get away with. The Democrats are more aligned with the Communist party in terms of how they manage and operate their party. They want to bring in illegals in the millions and make them a permanent underclass that votes democrat the rest off their lives so the democrats can stay in power. After they forgive all the student loan debt they will have a new batch of recently new democrat voters... its all about pandering too the weak minded and weak illegals... Strong immigrants enter the country lawfully... they pay the price to live in a country that should be free... or, as it appears now... use to be free.
North America has been dependent on goods from China long before Obama came into power. I think every administration crows about how great the economy has been under their tenor.

As far as the illegal immigrants go-I see it is a problem and one that needs to be addressed, Like I said before this is what comes to living and sharing a huge border with a country as poor as Mexico. People have been crossing that border as long as it's been a border and nothing including a very costly wall will ever stop that.

Add to the fact many of these illegals are family of the very people who keep America going when it comes to harvesting produce, it would be a real challenge to keep them from wanting to enter the US...

Right now the US needs to heal more then it needs more conspiracy theories.
North America has been dependent on goods from China long before Obama came into power. I think every administration crows about how great the economy has been under their tenor.

As far as the illegal immigrants go-I see it is a problem and one that needs to be addressed, Like I said before this is what comes to living and sharing a huge border with a country as poor as Mexico. People have been crossing that border as long as it's been a border and nothing including a very costly wall will ever stop that.

Add to the fact many of these illegals are family of the very people who keep America going when it comes to harvesting produce, it would be a real challenge to keep them from wanting to enter the US...

Right now the US needs to heal more then it needs more conspiracy theories.
We have a green card migrant worker system in place... We can get all the slave wage labor we need from a number of places. You only have to understand how third world shiitt hole countries work to know that being a migrant worker here pretty much beats anything they can do there. So, I am not buying your version of reality on that point.

As far as walls go... ask China... they have one and it worked for them. They don't need a wall now... except to keep people out that want to escape from the most horrible of communist nations, North Korea.

People are not moving to a communist run country like China in numbers that would indicate its a good place to be.... they are huge on human rights abuses... They are huge on industrial espionage also ... Imagine a multistory factory where they have slaves working... Do you know what lengths the CCP has had to go to to keep workers alive and working? They have been known to build net systems so anybody trying to jump out doesn't die or get severely injured if they attempt it. Must be a great place to work... right?

Our dependence on shiitt from China happened in a big way with Bill Clinton. Nixon started it... Both of them have invited the biggest and most powerful anti human government into our country and it has proven to be a big mistake.

Bottom line is I don't want our country to turn into a socialist country that leads to communism... we already know that does not work.... like 25+ times in history it has failed.
We have a green card migrant worker system in place... We can get all the slave wage labor we need from a number of places. You only have to understand how third world shiitt hole countries work to know that being a migrant worker here pretty much beats anything they can do there. So, I am not buying your version of reality on that point.

As far as walls go... ask China... they have one and it worked for them. They don't need a wall now... except to keep people out that want to escape from the most horrible of communist nations, North Korea.

People are not moving to a communist run country like China in numbers that would indicate its a good place to be.... they are huge on human rights abuses... They are huge on industrial espionage also ... Imagine a multistory factory where they have slaves working... Do you know what lengths the CCP has had to go to to keep workers alive and working? They have been known to build net systems so anybody trying to jump out doesn't die or get severely injured if they attempt it. Must be a great place to work... right?

Our dependence on shiitt from China happened in a big way with Bill Clinton. Nixon started it... Both of them have invited the biggest and most powerful anti human government into our country and it has proven to be a big mistake.

Bottom line is I don't want our country to turn into a socialist country that leads to communism... we already know that does not work.... like 25+ times in history it has failed.
Agreed, having the US turn into that would be a horrible thing to have happen...having it turn into anything other than what it is right now would be dangerous.

...really?? comparing the "Great Wall of China" to anything is really out there. The foundation of that wall has the skeletons of hundreds of thousands of slave labor who made it...and it was not effective, it was breached so many times by invading armies it might as well been a sieve...if anyone in their right mind thinks a wall will stop a determined group of people from entering the US, is dreaming.

When you border a very poor country like Mexico, the flow of humanity is a real challenge....could put up a border like East and West Berlin had with barbed wire, land mines, dogs and machine gun turrets...then man it with people who lost their jobs to a migrant...

China is not the friend to the world but we are dependent on their crap...we are starting to stray more and more to other off-shore markets but it will never come back to North America as it just costs too much to employ people here. People will just not pay the extra price for products made here.

I've been to many of these 3rd world countries (via the back door) and let me tell ya, the people don't enjoy life in any way, shape or form...even though we were there for a very specific purpose, our hearts always went out to these people and how they were living.
Agreed, having the US turn into that would be a horrible thing to have happen...having it turn into anything other than what it is right now would be dangerous.

...really?? comparing the "Great Wall of China" to anything is really out there. The foundation of that wall has the skeletons of hundreds of thousands of slave labor who made it...and it was not effective, it was breached so many times by invading armies it might as well been a sieve...if anyone in their right mind thinks a wall will stop a determined group of people from entering the US, is dreaming.

When you border a very poor country like Mexico, the flow of humanity is a real challenge....could put up a border like East and West Berlin had with barbed wire, land mines, dogs and machine gun turrets...then man it with people who lost their jobs to a migrant...

China is not the friend to the world but we are dependent on their crap...we are starting to stray more and more to other off-shore markets but it will never come back to North America as it just costs too much to employ people here. People will just not pay the extra price for products made here.

I've been to many of these 3rd world countries (via the back door) and let me tell ya, the people don't enjoy life in any way, shape or form...even though we were there for a very specific purpose, our hearts always went out to these people and how they were living.
Americans can adapt to changing their buying habits... I know because I have... and I am just your average Joe that has a blue collar union job... and I am grateful for that job and all that comes with it.

The purpose of the wall is to protect our sovereignty. If you don't have a border and people come and go freely then you have all kinds of law breaking going on... is that how you want this border situation handled? Just let them do what they want? Let them be criminals, let them smuggle drugs, let then traffic in humans... let them cross the border anytime they want. Is that your idea of running a secure border where people aren't murdered and robbed like they are now?

Americans that are here enjoying the life this country promises by protecting our civil liberties doesn't include the mayhem and destruction brought by people that do not belong here. I guess you have never seen the pictures of the children murdered by illegal aliens...

Those people in other countries can organize... other countries have done it... its up to them... they will pay a heavy price up front... however... its better to do something about and fail than to do nothing and succeed at not getting the changes needed to live free.

Example... many Chinese oppose the CCP... and the CCP knows they have to be on the lookout for forces inside their country that would like to topple their sorry style of governance.
It made good sense to me...
Yes... great hit piece... its all Americas fault... All we need are weak and corrupt governments south of us and the whole situation becomes America fault. Just as people are responcible for what they do.... governments are responsible for what they don't do..

Do you really think organized crime could have operations in the USA like they do in Columbia?

I realize organized crime is everywhere... its just not as out in the open like it is down south of the border.
So how many of you still think the election was stolen?
We have a subset of standards for many of the TDS crowd these days. in their minds... If the election was stolen the ends justify the means... In many of the minds out there they "think" ( using that term loosely ) if Trump lost to a stolen election that is the perfect outcome because winning while stealing is an acceptable outcome.

Ethics and morals have no place in the political geniuses playbook in many of today's leftist voter. Meanwhile... its been said 85% of American citizens think ( poll numbers ) people should have a legit ID to vote.

If true... does that give you a hint as to how corrupt the vote really was?

If Biden really got even 50 million real votes I would be surprised because the enthusiasm before, during, and after the 2020 election shows us Joe was a lame duck before he was installed into office.
So how many of you still think the election was stolen?

We have a subset of standards for many of the TDS crowd these days. in their minds... If the election was stolen the ends justify the means... In many of the minds out there they "think" ( using that term loosely ) if Trump lost to a stolen election that is the perfect outcome because winning while stealing is an acceptable outcome.

Ethics and morals have no place in the political geniuses playbook in many of today's leftist voter. Meanwhile... its been said 85% of American citizens think ( poll numbers ) people should have a legit ID to vote.

If true... does that give you a hint as to how corrupt the vote really was?

If Biden really got even 50 million real votes I would be surprised because the enthusiasm before, during, and after the 2020 election shows us Joe was a lame duck before he was installed into office.
In other words, Zerks does.
In other words, Zerks does.
It wasn't obvious enough for you to ponder the idea that just maybe... something wasn't right in 6 states and six counties when they all flipped sometime between midnight and 5 in the morning. That is what lefties call a fair and honest election... why? because handsy grabby sleepy Joe with no history of corrupt political dealings won the election... It was fair and square... right?
It wasn't obvious enough for you to ponder the idea that just maybe... something wasn't right in 6 states and six counties when they all flipped sometime between midnight and 5 in the morning. That is what lefties call a fair and honest election... why? because handsy grabby sleepy Joe with no history of corrupt political dealings won the election... It was fair and square... right?
It’s obvious you and I have discussed this so many times, neither one of us going to change our mind. Be content with your resolution and go on.
It’s obvious you and I have discussed this so many times, neither one of us going to change our mind. Be content with your resolution and go on.
Hi. I do hope that it was fair. I think that Biden thinks that he is ding the best he can do for the USA. I do not like him and I do not like what he is doing. Do you think it is fair to let in millions of people that we have to support just because they got over the boarder? That is a slap in the face of all the people who busted ther tail to get here legally. If it was found out that Trump cheated you would be the first one to put him in jail. But if Biden cheated would want him in jail?
.....and here I thought this thread was long dead...

All politicians suck are are in there for themselves and what they can get out of it and that's Liberal (Democrat) or Conservative (Republican).

Some politicians are worse than others but their rhetoric is the same...

Nowadays with all the "woke" and "cancel culture" people and such, there's little any politician can to to appease people...

I knew we are up to our neck in these sorts of people here in Canada...there is even a call to rename the "Asian Carp" as it could offend an Asian person.....????
Hi. I do hope that it was fair. I think that Biden thinks that he is ding the best he can do for the USA. I do not like him and I do not like what he is doing. Do you think it is fair to let in millions of people that we have to support just because they got over the boarder? That is a slap in the face of all the people who busted ther tail to get here legally. If it was found out that Trump cheated you would be the first one to put him in jail. But if Biden cheated would want him in jail?
Biden is following his agenda based on his beliefs and is doing it through legislation. I don’t consider it cheating but if he was found to be cheating he should be called on it like anyone.
I won’t get into my opinion of Trump.
.....and here I thought this thread was long dead... All politicians suck are are in there for themselves and what they can get out of it and that's Liberal (Democrat) or Conservative (Republican). Some politicians are worse than others but their rhetoric is the same... Nowadays with all the "woke" and "cancel culture" people and such, there's little any politician can to to appease people... I knew we are up to our neck in these sorts of people here in Canada...there is even a call to rename the "Asian Carp" as it could offend an Asian person.....????
Hi. I do hope that it was fair. I think that Biden thinks that he is ding the best he can do for the USA. I do not like him and I do not like what he is doing. Do you think it is fair to let in millions of people that we have to support just because they got over the boarder? That is a slap in the face of all the people who busted ther tail to get here legally. If it was found out that Trump cheated you would be the first one to put him in jail. But if Biden cheated would want him in jail?
Red 05 will never answer your last question... it would show his bias for corrupt political hacks...
It’s obvious you and I have discussed this so many times, neither one of us going to change our mind. Be content with your resolution and go on.
I am for whoever has the constitutionally aligned policies. Constitutional alignment is a concept that is lost on you... and that is where we disagree... just think... you could open up your own help center for the CCP right here... they are great to work with... especially if you can collect technical information that the CCP isn't suppose to have access to. They pay pretty good too.... Just ask Hunter or handsy grabby leg hair sniffer Joe...

You probably opposed president Trump when he told our NATO allies to pay up for the protection we provide for them... the bill is 2% of their GDP... Those got their crap together for a while... now that Joe is busy trying to remember who is in NATO nation list the payments are regressing to earlier levels.

Meanwhile... the thin skinned take every comment as an insult because "victimhood" behavior is promoted to the lefties that like the idea of "thought police" being the ideal way to lives one's life.

Look how often the loudest complainers get what they want.
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Red 05 will never answer your last question... it would show his bias for corrupt political hacks...
...if he was found to be cheating he should be called on it like anyone.

Try reading and more importantly comprehending what you're reading sometime. Bias? Surely you jest. Your posts identify you as possibly the most biased person on this forum.