Watch yourself

Texas Blue-J

This texting while driving epidemic is getting nuts. One of my son's football coaches was run down by a house mom driving a Ford F-250 while texting. "Oh, I swear I never saw him" gets one of us again. If you see someone driving and texting on the road please get away from them (gun it if you have to). Be careful out there.
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They passed a new law here against it...can't pull you over just for that but can enforce it if they saw you and pull you for something else~!~
One of our neighbor's daughters was texting while racing home through our subdivision because she was late for curfew. She managed to hit the only car parked in the street a couple of houses down, then ultimately ended up with her car upside down across from our house in the neighbor's yard.
One of our neighbor's daughters was texting while racing home through our subdivision because she was late for curfew. She managed to hit the only car parked in the street a couple of houses down, then ultimately ended up with her car upside down across from our house in the neighbor's yard.

Thats the parents fault for imposing a curfew....:banghead:
Saw that this morning myself on the way to work. Lady in the far left(fast lane) texting and not looking at the road for a full 5 seconds traveling at 70mph. Thanks for the reminder, and welcome to the board. :beerchug:
I see people texting while driving everyday while I am working on the highway. Alot of times I see people reading newspapers , putting on make-up & even changing clothes while driving 70 or better . They just don't care anymore !
One major reason is because there is very little or now drivers education in the schools these days.
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My buddy's brand new Acura MDX was rear ended by a guy texting and the worst part was when he got out of his MDX to check the damage, the other driver was still texting after he hit him. My buddy said he thought about punching him.
A new one on me today. Coming home a guy started to drift over into me, I had my exit plan and had to use it. As I came up on his drivers side window I saw that he was not on a phone or texting, but he had a tax form in the middle of his steering wheel and trying to read it and drive in 5pm traffic. LOSER!
Rant over
I can't help but think that new laws are down the road on cell phone use. How about the dummies that drive while reading a book. :whistle:
I used to gripe at my mom when I was a kid. She would put on her makeup and drive.
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I am going to have to admit that I have taken a peek at my phone email while driving and need to stop.
a 19yr old just wiped out a rider last month here locally cause' of this sh@t! i don't understand the craze with texting and this is definately a threat to all that drive or ride.
This texting addiction is so crazy, my daughter in high school tells me that people in class are texting instead of listening in class. The minute people get out of school they all compare phones and the messages they send. It's like a social gathering to show off your cell phone.
It scares the crap out of me. Seems the kids would rather text that actually converse face 2 face.
This happened a long time ago, probably before texting...but show the outcome of someone fiddling with a phone and being distracted.

Side by side at a stop light. Light turns green and I take off first. Look in my mirror to see the other bike laying flat on the ground. The woman behind us just heard someone take off and goes herself without looking forward and paying attention to what she was doing. Nailed my buddy in the rear end~!~
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