best looking helmet ever


Hi all, second post of the forum, so don't flame me if something like this is buried deep in your old topics. I wanted to ask about the best helmets out there. I have a shoei raid and it's pretty bashed up. So, I'm gonna get a new one.

I'm not talking just the safest, but the best looking too. I like the roof ones with the stripe down the middle, and the boxer ones,

but i wanted to ask about. are there any really ****ing cool helmets that I don't know about?
I really like the Givi XZero1 helmet but they don't ship to the US.

I'd likely go with the Scorpion EXO 1000 if I had the money to spend.


I fell for the Icon but I am bias cause my bike is glossy black with chrome decals:laugh: wish I could swing it.

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It's truly hard to beat the quality & look of the Arai Corsair V Graphics series. Of course I'm partial as I have this one :laugh:

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