I would also like to suggest a PreNup for next Hmmm maybe this is why I am still single?? You can break my heart but dont touch my money?? LOL

I would also like to suggest a PreNup for next Hmmm maybe this is why I am still single?? You can break my heart but dont touch my money?? LOL
I kinda have my own little planet I live in but has
"for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part"
been replaced by
"until *I* feel like changing my mind" ? ? .
- adorn her with over the top [but genuine] admeration and praise... you know like bad boys do: "hey baby.. you KNOW you are the only girl I think about all the time blah blah blah...."
there is a reason this vision still exists
.....juz don't drag 'em by da ankles (coz they fill up with dirt) !!!![]()
.....juz don't drag 'em by da ankles (coz they fill up with dirt) !!!![]()
You could always buy it.Then your in, out, and dont have to deal with anyones crap. It might be cheaper in the long run. No offence to any of the woman folk out there...just a thought.
I have 2 kids crazy woman wanted 2000 a month for child support but she got 323 every payday i had a mean ***** woman attorney and she did a good job.
This is my reason for tolerating all this craziness. All love my kids. This is in Cozumel Mexico Jan. 2009
please note:
no cell
no PDA
no car
no $800 shoes or handbags
all i see is two smiles
I wouldn't be proud of the fact that you are trying to avoid taking care of your kids. I can understand not wanting to pay alimony, but if you have the kids you need to take responsibility for them.
I didn't notice him saying he didn't want to take care of his kids, I believe he was referring to the excessive amount she was asking for. $2000 a month covers a mortgage, car payment and a 'busa payment for most folks! He can choose to give his kids more anytime, but to require $2000 every month is pretty steep.