Attn: Nor cal riders !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Donating Member
Ok, I would like to Invite the Bay Area Boys and the Nor-Cal Boys for a Ride up and Down the Downeville Area. SIR: "OZZ" :bowdown: from El Dorado will be Hosting the Run. Pardini will Grace US with his Presence. Hopefully(PACEMASTER) and (CCBUSA05) will join us also :whistle:

RAYDOG !!!!!!!! SIR RAY of DOGVILLE ??? The Road is Calling !!!!!!!!!!

Details to Follow but it might be a 9:00 AM Meeting at the Chevron on Latrobe and Highway 50.

Lets ROLL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, Checking the Map..................Which I probably should have done in the First Place............How about a Highway 80 at 49 Meet Point for the Bay Area Peoples. Any Suggestions :please:
Aaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Downieville Pizza MMMMMMMMMMmmmmm Good!!!
Well looks like another one I'm gonna miss, I've got work this weekend I can't pass up plus me and the bike arn't quite ready, pretty soon though. Hope all you guys have a good time, ride safe & take lots of pics for those of us stuck in the trenches.



Once you post a thread it's Ours to do with what WE see fit.

Now about The Ride................................Your assembly time IS MUCH TOO LATE!!!


No Problem...................Just Stay within the Subject RUSS !!!!!!! Otherwise it's a Thread Jack. Against the Rules :moon::rulez:.

Now I Suggest You Get your Underwear out of Your Pants and Contribute to this Thread
Both my high and low beams just went out today. Not sure if I'll be able to fix them in time, but I may just ride without lights. What day we talkin BH?
Both my high and low beams just went out today. Not sure if I'll be able to fix them in time, but I may just ride without lights. What day we talkin BH?

you can get the bulbs at walmart, H7 is the low beam and 9005 is the high beam, bring it up to my place and i can replace it for ya in 10 minuets:thumbsup:
I'm starting to get excited about this ride! Looks like the hook up time and place is still to be determined for you Cali guys, but I'd like to ask what route are you intending on doing? Depending on which way you're headed, I might be able to meet up with you!

9:00 IN Downieville. Pre assembly points and times TBD by who's Riding.
Which direction you taking about Russ? More than likely you're talking about hitting 49 from Nevada City and heading towards Sierraville from Downieville.......... and then?
