Top 10 reasons : California


Hayabusa Immortal
Donating Member
Top ten of a love/hate relationship with California.

First the love ... :hello:

10. The Roads
9. Great weather
8. Scenery
7. The back roads
6. Food
5. Events
4. Great rides/drives
3. The Mountains
2. Family & friends
#1. Great thing about California ... did I mention the roads?!? :cheerleader:

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Now for the hate part... :( well we could go on and on about the probs the state has but for us in biz here is something I came accross :
- Top 10 Reasons Why California Companies Are Calling Moving Companies[/url]!
Bottom line is I like the good parts enough to put up with the bad ( for now anyway )
Top ten of a love/hate relationship with California.

First the love ... :hello:

10. The Roads
9. Great weather
8. Scenery
7. The back roads
6. Food
5. Events
4. Great rides/drives
3. The Mountains
2. Family & friends
#1. Great thing about California ... did I mention the roads?!? :cheerleader:

+1 on your top 10 "love California" list.

No better place to live in my opinion.
I lived in Ventura California for 25 years. Recently moved to Bend Oregon. Let me tell you why I disliked California

1) Registration fees. Typically ran about $850.00 per year for my Dodge Ram 3500. By comparison, I just registered my truck (with new custom plates), a new 30' snowmobile trailer and two snowmobiles for two years. Total cost $474

2) Real estate prices. More bang for your buck up here. My custom built 5K sqft on 5 acres here cost about the same as my 3829sqft tract home in Calif.

3) Less mountains :) than Oregon

4) Less back roads :) :) than Oregon

5) Less Scenery :) :) :) than Oregon

Not being a hater... Like I said lived it fro 25 years, but there are always other (better :)) options.
OK and to rub it in a little more...

How much do you pay to register your Busa in Calif? It is $96 for 4 years here. Yes, that is correct only $24 per year regardless of make, model, year or value!
very nice top 10. those are the reasons i just might visit again some day. :poke: as for living in paradise......the only problem with paradise is, everyone else thinks its paradise too. think i'll stick with Wyoming for now. no people to bother me and it is (when its thawed out) paradise to me.

30min from the lake
10min from the mountain
and 5min from the middle of nowhere!

although i have to admit, with all the snow i've gotten lately, im looking forward to going to Hawaii at the end of this month:laugh::thumbs:

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you guys kill me....

California has mountain roads, beaches, city/night life, and if you hop on the freeway you are 40 minutes from downtown LA to "the middle of nowhere".

i will pay the extra $$ to live in this great place....
I just loved hearing about those great low rates for registration. Mine is 192 bucks this year. Guess where I would like to tell the DMV to shove that bill? :moon:
CA Picture #1: Oroville-Quincy Hwy
CA Picture #2: Hwy 299

How'm I doing? :cheerleader:
my folks moved to cali few years back. They loved it. My sister moved too and she's certain she aint coming back! I plan on visiting her sometime and see whats what. From the pics here seems I might just fit in perfectly :beerchug: