
I worry about how it could affect him in the future with career choices. I know it'll limit both boys in some ways and I hate that :(

via Samsung Galaxy SIII

VA - not that big of a deal really. Moreso a source of endless entertainment. I've bought pink shirts & swore they were red, or maybe blue, or maybe purple. Well one of those. Hell, could be gray. :woot:

I'm basically 100% & My wife has always gotten a real kick out of it.

Really green grass can look fire engine red. Same!! I swear. Try and explain that. It's the same damn color - what's wrong with you people!! :tantrum: :tantrum: Can't you see it's red!! :tantrum: :tantrum:

The only bad part is on stoplights - green & white -that's the same color. Can't tell them apart & it's annoying.
2nd circle from bottom I see a 3,
3rd circle from bottom I see a way out of focus, outline of 21,
4th from bottom I see 56
...all others I see nothing. You?

Some of them change colors and change from light to dark, as they go from my peripheral to direct line of sight.
from the bottom:
2nd circle I also see a three but I believe it might be an 8.
3rd circle I see nothing.
4th I also see a 56. but it might be an 2.

If you hover over them it tells a little about the image. Not sure if the number it displays is the picture number or the number
that is supposed to be in the image????

I think, if we colorblind people see a certain number but it is not correct, it might give them some
idea of what colors we are blind to. Funny that it works like it does. I can see lot of colored dots but can't make out
ANY of the numbers and be positive about them. :banghead:

VaBusa - can you see all the numbers perfectly?
Only your mother is partially colorblind? Your Father and Grandfather had perfect colorvision?
Your ex-husband will have no effect on your boys or future generations UNLESS you also had a daughter with him.
VA - not that big of a deal really. Moreso a source of endless entertainment. I've bought pink shirts & swore they were red, or maybe blue, or maybe purple. Well one of those. Hell, could be gray. :woot:

I'm basically 100% & My wife has always gotten a real kick out of it.

Really green grass can look fire engine red. Same!! I swear. Try and explain that. It's the same damn color - what's wrong with you people!! :tantrum: :tantrum: Can't you see it's red!! :tantrum: :tantrum:

The only bad part is on stoplights - green & white -that's the same color. Can't tell them apart & it's annoying.

Oh, trust me, though I'm not colorblind, I've lived with those that are and know all about the fun and games and arguments that ensue all too well...24 years of being with a man that argued over the color of a Mustang we used to see is still a point of contention with us :rofl: He says it was gold, I know it was green...I always found it funny that he would argue with me over a color, when I'm the one that's NOT colorblind, and the stories of the times we'd try to coordinate things for proms and such, and he'd wonder why his pink bow-tie was not matching my gray dress (the dress was pink too), oh yes, it was quite amusing.

Once my Mom chose some color to paint my bedroom as a child, and when I came home to pea green on the walls, we realized perhaps having her pick out the colors wasn't the best way to go :laugh:

My boys are fun to mess around with too, but I do get frustrated for them at times...just can't imagine what it's like I guess...I wish there was a fix for colorblindness, that's all.
VaBusa - can you see all the numbers perfectly?
Only your mother is partially colorblind? Your Father and Grandfather had perfect colorvision?
Your ex-husband will have no effect on your boys or future generations UNLESS you also had a daughter with him.

I can see the numbers. My Mom is partially colorblind, but my father and grandfather were fine...

Both of my boys are colorblind though; youngest is very colorblind, may be as bad if not worse than his father...
I wish there was a fix for colorblindness, that's all.

I know you have been around colorblind people all your life or just about, but being around it and having
it are worlds apart. Kinda like a man saying he knows what it's like to give birth to a baby. You would laugh and
say, you don't have a clue :laugh:

I have asked people if they wanted to trade eyes - no takers yet.

Your wish that there was a fix for colorblindness, take that and multiply that by a million and you
might start getting close to what we feel.:banghead:
I believe that because it is not too common, probably less than 5% of men have it! and because
it's not life threatening and because it would be very complicated that there is no effort to FIX this
problem for mankind. So we adapt to it the best we can. It won't get better and it won't get worse.
I can still see most Reds. But it may not be the exact red you see.:laugh:

Yes it is true that your boys will not be able to do some jobs - that is life!

Like I said in earlier posts if we could change the colors that the world sees to colors that 95% of
colorblind people can see too, it would make life a lot better for us. But the world has no incentive to change
for a measly 5% of the population! right? So we carry on. What else can we do?
There a is a Dr./eye specialist in NC that makes glasses for certain types of colorblindness.
He was on the national news a few years back. I don't remember the details, but I'm sure you could search and find him.
There a is a Dr./eye specialist in NC that makes glasses for certain types of colorblindness.
He was on the national news a few years back. I don't remember the details, but I'm sure you could search and find him.

I actually found one in MD and asked my eye doctor about it. He said it's a racket, complete waste of money and that there's no cure.

It shocks me that there isn't some way to address it with all of the technology we have today...

via Samsung Galaxy SIII
I know you have been around colorblind people all your life or just about, but being around it and having
it are worlds apart. Kinda like a man saying he knows what it's like to give birth to a baby. You would laugh and
say, you don't have a clue :laugh:

I have asked people if they wanted to trade eyes - no takers yet.

Your wish that there was a fix for colorblindness, take that and multiply that by a million and you
might start getting close to what we feel.:banghead:
I believe that because it is not too common, probably less than 5% of men have it! and because
it's not life threatening and because it would be very complicated that there is no effort to FIX this
problem for mankind. So we adapt to it the best we can. It won't get better and it won't get worse.
I can still see most Reds. But it may not be the exact red you see.:laugh:

Yes it is true that your boys will not be able to do some jobs - that is life!

Like I said in earlier posts if we could change the colors that the world sees to colors that 95% of
colorblind people can see too, it would make life a lot better for us. But the world has no incentive to change
for a measly 5% of the population! right? So we carry on. What else can we do?

Not once did I say I know what it's fact, I believe my words were that I wish I did know what my kids see...I don't pretend to know what it's like, but I was addressing Pashnit and referencing some funny stories from my past because of it. As a mother to two young sons that are very much affected by this, I do have compassion and concern. I guess I could just not give a crap and tell them to get over it, but that's not how I'm wired.

Sorry, but you came across as very defensive, like I don't have any input in this since I'm not the one with the problem. It affects my loved ones; it's something I've been worried about for decades having had so many in my life affected by it.

via Samsung Galaxy SIII
Not once did I say I know what it's fact, I believe my words were that I wish I did know what my kids see...I don't pretend to know what it's like, but I was addressing Pashnit and referencing some funny stories from my past because of it. As a mother to two young sons that are very much affected by this, I do have compassion and concern. I guess I could just not give a crap and tell them to get over it, but that's not how I'm wired.

Sorry, but you came across as very defensive, like I don't have any input in this since I'm not the one with the problem. It affects my loved ones; it's something I've been worried about for decades having had so many in my life affected by it.

via Samsung Galaxy SIII

It was never my intention to be defensive. I'm sure you have a great concern for your boys. The point I was trying to make is that someone that is not colorblind
will never truly know exactly what it is like. And if you wish there was a fix how much more do you think the people with the problem wish there was a fix.
I agree with you that in this day and age you would think something would be available. The problem seems to be that the rods and cones in our eyes are still a mystery
and messing with those could do more harm than help, especially since there may be no 2 people alike that have the EXACT level of colorblindness. Therefore glasses are a scam.

Like I said in my last post, the world doesn't care about the maybe 5% that are colorblind. Since it can't be "fixed" the only other way would be to make things easier for the colorblind to see.
So in this day and age WHY hasn't that happened? Is it so ingrained in everyone the Green always means Go or Charged or whatever????
Why can't the traffic lights be made Yellow, Blue and White? But not just any of those 3 colors, they have to have a great deal of contrast between them so that if we didn't see
them like the rest of the world does, we could still see them as different enough to tell them apart. That right there is the trick to some of the issues with colorblindness.
The contrast between colors is more important then the color itself.

How many normal colorvision people know that? Apparently not to many because manufacturers keep on producing products that have colors close together contrast wise.

There you go VaBusa maybe your boys could get jobs working for companies to tell them what colors they can and can't use on their products. :laugh:

As far as you not having any input, on my original post I said I only wanted to hear from females that had sons (or Fathers) that were colorblind, so you qualify!
Did you show your sons this post with the color plates? Since NO ONE has be kind enough to post the answers (VaBusa) you said you could see them (hint). I don't know IF I got any right
or they were all wrong (of the ones I could see a little bit, but I not sure if what I saw is right). You said one son was worse then the other. Maybe those plates would prove that?
I know when I was at the eye Doctors office I failed all 20 plates. So does that mean I'm really colorblind??? Yet I don't live in a Black and White world.

You said your ex would argue with you over colors. I Don't care what color thing are to much. I would always let a woman have the final say with colors because I know that
I don't see what the world sees and most women do. So why argue over something that I know I would lose at? Choose what ever color you like.
My apologies Red...guess I got edgy last night...coming off of an iron infusion and feeling bad for weeks. I kind of felt like I was being made to feel like you didn't want input from someone that didn't have colorblindness because I couldn't know what it's like, and you're right, but I see now you mean quite the opposite. I should stop posting while irritable, but if I did that, I'd never post again :rofl:

OK, first, neither of my boys will see these patterns/numbers...I'll still ask 'em to take a peek this weekend when I have 'em with me (they've been at their Dad's house), but we've taken these tests so much, I am fairly certain my youngest won't see any of 'em, and my oldest might see one or two numbers, if any.

As for me:

Post #16
First image is a bear-like creature
Second is a sail-boat

Post #17
First image has too much red/orange to really make a definitive image in the green; guessing that's the answer (there is no image or number)
Thank You VaBusa for posting the answers. :thumbsup: Out of all the plates in posts 16 & 17 I got ONE right. :beerchug:
Better than zero, right?

You are very qualified to have input from the other side. What I mean is that you must know better than most how colorblind someone is because you have been around so many with it! I think you might be the first person that I have heard of with two boys both being colorblind. I have a brother and he is not colorblind.

I would be interested to know if your boys know how colorblind they are AND if they come to you for help or do they just do their own thing and wait to be corrected?

When I go to buy flowers for my Mom for Mothers Day I always ask for help because I don't see what most
people see. If they were for me I would pick what looked good to me, especially if I didn't need to please anyone else.

An iron infusion? That's gotta suck. :banghead: Hope all is well now and your good for awhile.
Thank You VaBusa for posting the answers. :thumbsup: Out of all the plates in posts 16 & 17 I got ONE right. :beerchug:
Better than zero, right?

You are very qualified to have input from the other side. What I mean is that you must know better than most how colorblind someone is because you have been around so many with it! I think you might be the first person that I have heard of with two boys both being colorblind. I have a brother and he is not colorblind.

I would be interested to know if your boys know how colorblind they are AND if they come to you for help or do they just do their own thing and wait to be corrected?

When I go to buy flowers for my Mom for Mothers Day I always ask for help because I don't see what most
people see. If they were for me I would pick what looked good to me, especially if I didn't need to please anyone else.

An iron infusion? That's gotta suck. :banghead: Hope all is well now and your good for awhile.

My sons, as well as my ex, rarely if ever come (or came) to me asking for help with what matches or what looks good. It's always kind of amused me in a way, because they all know they're colorblind, yet they go in about their daily routines and don't seem to think about it. I seem more aware of it than they are, and I guess that makes sense because I see things they don't, so I notice when they point out the red car that's not red, or when they walk out of their room not matching at all. I notice that my youngest loves hot pink, then wonder what he's really seeing. Is it pink? What is pink to him? We've walked right by something hot pink and he never looked twice, and when I pointed it out, he didn't think it was pink at all. I honestly want to see what they see so I can understand...but yeah, they just go on about their day never even thinking twice and I over think it all.

Been meaning to say, stop lights are something I never realized were an issue until years after my ex and I had been dating. He finally confessed to me that he doesn't always know which one is which, but that he only know if the top one was lit, stop...kind of unnerved me, but prior to that, I'd never noticed him display any issues at a light.

I'll get both of my boys to take these tests this weekend. They've never officially been tested or put on any scale, if one exists. I just know one is worse than the other...

via Samsung Galaxy SIII
So, had my youngest take a peek, and as suspected, he didn't get a single one...they are all gray dots to him...

Funny conversation ensued though...I asked him what color he sees when he eats macaroni and cheese, and he said "it's grayish" and I'm thinking "ewww, gross", it's orange. "Orange?! That's gross! I'd rather eat my version, gray!" :rofl:

I asked him what color he thinks strawberries are (one of his most favorite of foods)..."ummmm, a really, really dark gray...", tomatoes? Same as the strawberries...even my red Mustang is just a dark gray to him...

What color is Bear? (He's our gray and white cat) youngest said "brown?" So, everything is mostly shades of gray, but true gray is brown? It's so confusing to me, and he finally asked that we stop trying to figure this's clear to me his world is what he calls gray, various shades of gray. He knows some things are brighter, like lemons are lighter, but does he know yellow? How do I know because how does he know? I think it frustrates me way more than him...

I'll ask my older one to the the test tomorrow...he's at a friend's house tonight...

via Samsung Galaxy SIII
VaBusa what color is the overall background on this forum?

How many shades are there?

It's a light gray...there are several shades of gray used throughout, to help breakup the parts of the page though, even some gradient changes here and there where it'll start as a light gray and turn to darker gray for effect...

There are more than 4 different shades...
Fascinating. I'm not color bliind but our interior designers claim I'm color stupid!

They must be females, right? :laugh:

Most men are not as worried about what colors GO with other colors as much as women are.
I guess it's like many women wear makeup but we men don't feel the need to. :rofl:
So I counted only seven of us are colorblind. ???

I guess my figure of 5% of males being colorblind is way off as I'm pretty sure
that 7 members is way less than 1% of the male members on this forum.

I know that not all members visit (or even know of) the random thoughts section.
So that might have some input or should I say a lack of postings in this thread.

I just thought that there might be more members that I have something in common with, other than a Busa. :laugh:

I wanted to thank Tim (Pashnit) for posting the color plates. I copied them and might
look at them every so often to see if anything changes or if a filter in front
of my eyes could make any difference. :laugh: I won't hold my breath waiting for a cure.
If it's closer to less then 1% of people are colorblind that only cements the fact that
there is not enough interest to find a cure, or the world to change in order to help us.
We are doomed to be this way all of our lives, so we adapt the best we can - have we any other choice?
You forgot the most important thing.
WE are not colorblind, WE see things the right way.
WE just happen to be be the unique minority, it's the rest of the world that can't see things the right way.:laugh: