Old One But Funny!

And yet the stopping distance remains unchanged!
Just goes to show u that a good rider will know how to stop quick without abs!
I had ABS on my old Bandit 1250. I noticed it working several times and I have no doubt it saved me. It feels very odd though because rather than a consistently increasing application of stopping power, it "slacks" up ever so slightly. This feels like you're not going to make the stop, but you do. Sort of like you don't feather the brake in a car these days, you just stomp on it and let the computers figure it out. I imagine this disconnect is why experienced riders don't like it - it's not "honest" in the way it feels. Still, on the street there are situations where it's safer even if you know what you are doing. I don't think we really have a choice, it's going to be standard on any new bike.
And yet the stopping distance remains unchanged!
Just goes to show u that a good rider will know how to stop quick without abs!

Maybe you're not seeing the bigger picture. It's not all about stopping distances. I've not ridden an ABS equipped bike but my last two cars had it. If it works similarly on bikes, applying brakes with ABS could mean the difference between going down or staying upright. It prevents wheel lockup on slick road surfaces.
No, I got the big picture. First, it was a joke...both dogs are on a leash. Um, ha. Ha.
Second, i have ridden many bikes , cars, and even airplanes with and without anti-lock (anti-skid) brakes. It is far safer to ride an abs bike like a non equipped one vs the other way around. I, as I am sure most of us have, experienced a lock up in the rain (or even dry actually) and immediately feather off and on to gain traction again.
But again, it was a joke based on his pic.
No, I got the big picture. First, it was a joke...both dogs are on a leash. Um, ha. Ha.
Second, i have ridden many bikes , cars, and even airplanes with and without anti-lock (anti-skid) brakes. It is far safer to ride an abs bike like a non equipped one vs the other way around. I, as I am sure most of us have, experienced a lock up in the rain (or even dry actually) and immediately feather off and on to gain traction again.
But again, it was a joke based on his pic.
actually if you look at the picture again I think the dog without ABS stopped faster.