The elections and my request to all board members

Not that I disagree, but, I sure didn't see a rally from the other side behind Bush when he was elected :whistle:
No you did not, in fact quite the opposite.. Now it is the conservative choice to take the high road or the road that the liberals appeared to be most drawn too...

I am so jaded by the years of bile I have heard come from the liberal side that I may likely never look at them as a quite human again... sad but true..

I will back whomever the masses put in office however, whether I like the choices made or not... I have always held that the choices made by these guys are based on a lot of stuff we will never know...

IF the president had been a liberal, my best guess is we would still be at war... and he would be the bad guy... they just do not make these choices by themselves or without a thorough understanding of what is going on..

Go Barack... and good luck brother, you are going to need it.. (hope your own do not turn on you in the coming years)
The president is not the United States is not the president.

We are the United States and the United States is us. We don't have to agree on everything. We don't have to always support each other on things we don't agree on. What we do have to do is be civil about our desires and beliefs. We should debate and discuss and vote and accomplish good things and put down bad things. Express ourselves and respect each other.

And most of all, remember that whatever else we are, we are Americans, first and foremost. In spite of the bad things which have happened in that past few years, we will get past them if, and ONLY if, we all stick together and keep that most important common ground in our minds at all times.

I voted for McCain.

now, with that out of the way.

We have elected a new president. it is over and done with.

all of us, this board, the United States people, congress, our city's, our states.

We need to knock off the squabbling.

We need to stop pointing fingers.

And we need to stop guessing at what the future holds

We need to all come together, and we need to stand behind our president. Our current one until he leaves office and our new one when he assumes office on January 20th

it is a done deal, he will be president on that day. This country is still in a world of shid.

We are the United States, together we stand, divided we fall

did all of you fricken forget that? did this fricken country forget that?

Elections are over. suck it up and lets unite behind our new president, and again I say the new president whom I did NOT vote for but will give my support 100% while he is in office.

Great post but standing behind the President Elect by Congress is not going to happen. (nor me)

Dems failed to win 60 seats thus blocking filibuster's. Mitch Mitchell (R-Kentucky) won re-election. Thank you!

The Reps issued this comment (last paragraph will not support his agenda)

Embattled Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, intends to run again as party leader, key GOP sources indicated to FOX News.

The McCain loss was so overwhelming that it hurt GOP House candidates "and you can't blame that on John Boehner," one source told FOX News, indicating that if McCain had had a better showing, some Republicans might have be more interested in showing Boehner the door after large GOP losses.

As for Boehner, he appeared ready to continue the congressional wrangling.

"The party of Lincoln stands together with all Americans tonight in heralding this historic achievement for freedom, and also in thanking Senator John McCain for his decades of patriotism and service to our nation.

"It is in the same spirit -- that of promoting and defending American freedom -- that Republicans will approach the policies of our new president. President-elect Obama has sketched a troubling policy road map that will be run through a Congress that was purchased by powerful liberal special interests. The American people want and deserve accountability from Washington Democrats, and Republicans will stand on principle to ensure they get it," he said in a written statement.

Congratulations President Obama. Good luck on getting anything done.

I agree with Thrasher. I have a pretty good guess what would have happened if it had gone the other way. I've never seen such lack of respect for a sitting president - I won't be part of that.
I'm with you Thrasher. One of the great things about this country is our freedom to debate our positions openly. We still need to respect each other while doing so regardless of your position. The elections are over. Regardless of how you feel about Obama (I voted for McCain), there is nothing that will change the outcome of the elections now. For better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, he is our President. Time to stand together as Americans.
Great post, Thrasher, I couldn't agree more. Heck, even runeight's sarcasm doesn't bother me this morning :lol:
Amen!! I am disppointed and strongly reconsidering my decision to be a part of this group.

Don't let the things GSXTacy posts bother you. I know for a fact his parents dropped him on his head when he was a baby!:laugh:
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In fairness to the SoyTroopers they are mostly destroying their own cities.........mostly. :rolleyes:
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In one of the other threads I think it was BumvkeBee that asked when the civil war would start. I responded with November 2016.

Whether or not Harris did say this, it is a reflection of our current nation. The left has been "resisting" since Bush beat Gore. I just figured like any disease, it would eventually just weaken and die. Then Trump came along. And tried to kill it's spread. I'm not sure his vaccine is the right one. But nothing else seems to be working.

I didn't vote for Trump. I won't vote for Biden. But if someone plans on "coming to get me", then you get to witness what citizens can do. Go ahead.......bring it.