I've waited to post my thoughts on the Gen 3 because I wanted to have some time to digest all of the data Suzuki has released.
I started by journey with the Hayabusa in 99 when I ordered by 2000 Busa and replaced it with a 2007 and then my 3rd busa was my 2008 Gen 2.
I have had just about every mod on the bikes over the years at some point and have ridden the bike on the quarter mile, across the country on weeks long tours and had full weekends on road tracks.
On very few occasions have I ever opened the bike up full throttle and just let the bike run out to the top end speed. 1st of all there just isn't a good place to do this for top end and 2nd it's just not safe on public roads.
What I did see from Suzuki is a lot of effort in changing the motor to make it more efficient and powerful where it's typically needed as opposed to power in a speed band that very few ever touch. What I have consistently heard over the past couple of days is that people wanted the increased HP and bike spec numbers for bragging rights for a bike in which the war is already over.
I started looking at all of the mods I have had over the years and I remembered Steve Holl and Ken from Suzuki coming to the Robbinsville Bash with us and watching them go over all of the mods that we had put on our bikes. They asked in detail why we made the changes and what the benefits were. We tried to explain to them but I clearly recall the best way to explain the changes was to let them ride on so Ken threw his leg over Zukracers Gen 1 and off on the Dragon we went.. When Ken came rolling back in he raised his visor and was grinning from ear to ear he got it, he understood every single mod that Brian had put on his bike. Ken had an all new appreciation for the mods
Fast forward to Scar's 1st annual Reno event and American Suzuki was there and our old friend Steve Holl again and they asked us about colors, mods and the future of the busa. I remember telling them that some of the best mods would be HID's and cruise control and we were told there wasn't any way they could put those features on a bike because of liability.
I started making a list of the mods I have had on my bikes and the new features on the new Gen 3
The list goes on and on of things that have been included in standard bike. What I think is important is that the top speed wars are over so why are so many focused on the HP and top grunt. The bike is more aerodynamic and if you notice the mid-range get up and go is better than the Gen II. So while I understand it would have been great to have an even bigger motor between your legs that you won't ever use Suzuki offered up a bike that really meets the needs of most of the riders out there.
Folks might want to wait until someone actually rides one before they put a nail in the coffin for the Hayabusa.
The biggest detractor for me is the price, I get there is a lot of bike there but GEESH… I will have to wait a few years and buy a used one from someone else.
Thanks Suzuki for keeping the bike going!
Someone tell me if the trashcan mod got added to the Gen 3
I started by journey with the Hayabusa in 99 when I ordered by 2000 Busa and replaced it with a 2007 and then my 3rd busa was my 2008 Gen 2.
I have had just about every mod on the bikes over the years at some point and have ridden the bike on the quarter mile, across the country on weeks long tours and had full weekends on road tracks.
On very few occasions have I ever opened the bike up full throttle and just let the bike run out to the top end speed. 1st of all there just isn't a good place to do this for top end and 2nd it's just not safe on public roads.
What I did see from Suzuki is a lot of effort in changing the motor to make it more efficient and powerful where it's typically needed as opposed to power in a speed band that very few ever touch. What I have consistently heard over the past couple of days is that people wanted the increased HP and bike spec numbers for bragging rights for a bike in which the war is already over.
I started looking at all of the mods I have had over the years and I remembered Steve Holl and Ken from Suzuki coming to the Robbinsville Bash with us and watching them go over all of the mods that we had put on our bikes. They asked in detail why we made the changes and what the benefits were. We tried to explain to them but I clearly recall the best way to explain the changes was to let them ride on so Ken threw his leg over Zukracers Gen 1 and off on the Dragon we went.. When Ken came rolling back in he raised his visor and was grinning from ear to ear he got it, he understood every single mod that Brian had put on his bike. Ken had an all new appreciation for the mods
Fast forward to Scar's 1st annual Reno event and American Suzuki was there and our old friend Steve Holl again and they asked us about colors, mods and the future of the busa. I remember telling them that some of the best mods would be HID's and cruise control and we were told there wasn't any way they could put those features on a bike because of liability.
I started making a list of the mods I have had on my bikes and the new features on the new Gen 3
The list goes on and on of things that have been included in standard bike. What I think is important is that the top speed wars are over so why are so many focused on the HP and top grunt. The bike is more aerodynamic and if you notice the mid-range get up and go is better than the Gen II. So while I understand it would have been great to have an even bigger motor between your legs that you won't ever use Suzuki offered up a bike that really meets the needs of most of the riders out there.
Folks might want to wait until someone actually rides one before they put a nail in the coffin for the Hayabusa.
The biggest detractor for me is the price, I get there is a lot of bike there but GEESH… I will have to wait a few years and buy a used one from someone else.
Thanks Suzuki for keeping the bike going!
Someone tell me if the trashcan mod got added to the Gen 3