To fight or not to fight


Donating Member
I'll go as qwik as I can here so as not to bore anyone.

1. Wife to be dies unexspectedly last Christmas.
2. Rubb goes into the rental office and ask's that the rent now come out of my account.Managements answer... NO.They claim I'm not on the lease.(lived there 6 years)
3. Rubb falls into deep depression...attempts to drink himself to death. No sleep,very little food,tons of whiskey. Rubb loses 60 pounds.
4. Finally I have lost the power to walk. Off to the hospital I go. When I get out,the lock has been changed on my apartment,I have been evicted.
5. My possesions have been taken. 99% of my belongings.Management refuses to give them to me.They claim someone might come looking for Dianne's stuff. Well according to B.C. Canada law...It's all MY stuff now. I am the Next of Kin. I am the Common Law Husband. It's rightfully all mine. Mgmt's answer,"Get a lawyer."
6. Call a lawyer.First 15 minutes "free." After that 400 bucks an hour. OUCH!!! I dont have 40 bucks,let alone 400 an hour.

Any idea's gentlemen??? I'm all ears. Thanks for hearing me out.

I would imagine the police would call this a civil matter...even though they might be able to steer you in the right path, these people basically stole your belongings and have locked you out with no eviction notice, did you have any ID or a bill in that address with your name on it? If so you are legally occupying that residence.

Have you been to social assistance? They have public defenders who might be able to help or at least understand the law a little better.

Here in Ontario it is illegal to lock you out and illegal to confiscate your belongings and more illegal to hold them "in case" someone comes looking for them, they are not court appointed so have no legal bearing on holding your belongings...

Here's a link that might help

Very sorry to hear this. Don't know anything about law. Perhaps you could sue, and argue yourself, in a small claims court?
Thank you Bumblebee and Carl.
I would imagine the police would call this a civil matter...even though they might be able to steer you in the right path, these people basically stole your belongings and have locked you out with no eviction notice, did you have any ID or a bill in that address with your name on it? If so you are legally occupying that residence.
Yes.My mail went there for 6 years. They would not accept rent from me. We were "Grandfathered in" at 1100.oo a month. They got me out,they will now raise the rent to the Victoria average $15-1600 a month. Its a cash grab by a large corperation. 17 buildings in this city alone. Canada wide company.
Have you been to social assistance? They have public defenders who might be able to help or at least understand the law a little better.

Here in Ontario it is illegal to lock you out and illegal to confiscate your belongings and more illegal to hold them "in case" someone comes looking for them, they are not court appointed so have no legal bearing on holding your belongings...

Here's a link that might help

Social assistance was no help,nor legal aid. The stand the company is taking that I was not on the lease (not true,I was) has them all "gun shy." The lawyers I have spoken with have said "Do you want to spend big money on personal belongings that may be worth less than legal fees and court costs. The office manager is just a Dik. I will check your link thou Bro. Thank you.
Thank you Bumblebee and Carl.

Yes.My mail went there for 6 years. They would not accept rent from me. We were "Grandfathered in" at 1100.oo a month. They got me out,they will now raise the rent to the Victoria average $15-1600 a month. Its a cash grab by a large corperation. 17 buildings in this city alone. Canada wide company.

Social assistance was no help,nor legal aid. The stand the company is taking that I was not on the lease (not true,I was) has them all "gun shy." The lawyers I have spoken with have said "Do you want to spend big money on personal belongings that may be worth less than legal fees and court costs. The office manager is just a Dik. I will check your link thou Bro. Thank you.
Somethings not right if you have had mail delivered there in your name, this means you have a legal right to be there lease or not....

I'd get hold of people on that link I sent as you have rights as a tenant...
Somethings not right if you have had mail delivered there in your name, this means you have a legal right to be there lease or not....

I'd get hold of people on that link I sent as you have rights as a tenant...
I have already been evicted. They took all my stuff and changed the locks while I was in hospital. Now they are not saying anything including where my belongings are. They are just creepy.
I have already been evicted. They took all my stuff and changed the locks while I was in hospital. Now they are not saying anything including where my belongings are. They are just creepy.
I'd say they are beyond creepy.....

Hell there have been people here who haven't paid rent in a year and the landlord is unable to kick them out.....
I'll go as qwik as I can here so as not to bore anyone.

1. Wife to be dies unexspectedly last Christmas.
2. Rubb goes into the rental office and ask's that the rent now come out of my account.Managements answer... NO.They claim I'm not on the lease.(lived there 6 years)
3. Rubb falls into deep depression...attempts to drink himself to death. No sleep,very little food,tons of whiskey. Rubb loses 60 pounds.
4. Finally I have lost the power to walk. Off to the hospital I go. When I get out,the lock has been changed on my apartment,I have been evicted.
5. My possesions have been taken. 99% of my belongings.Management refuses to give them to me.They claim someone might come looking for Dianne's stuff. Well according to B.C. Canada law...It's all MY stuff now. I am the Next of Kin. I am the Common Law Husband. It's rightfully all mine. Mgmt's answer,"Get a lawyer."
6. Call a lawyer.First 15 minutes "free." After that 400 bucks an hour. OUCH!!! I dont have 40 bucks,let alone 400 an hour.

Any idea's gentlemen??? I'm all ears. Thanks for hearing me out.


It saddens me to see that these thread is not simply one of your humorous ones you drop on us randomly, like you normally do. I really hope you can find the right legal advice to get this mess squared away and your life back in order. Hang in there man.

It saddens me to see that these thread is not simply one of your humorous ones you drop on us randomly, like you normally do. I really hope you can find the right legal advice to get this mess squared away and your life back in order. Hang in there man.
Hi Fight it is all yours. And the best of luck to you.
Gosh. Just seeing this chyt. So let me offer a note simplistic approach. Since it doesn't look like you have.

Go to your closest Police Station located to where you live. Report your property has been stolen. When they ask the details you can use just this part. When I was released from the hospital found my apt locked and management told me they had all the possessions.

All the truth.

Site any and all specific items of any real value that were stolen. Identify who in management told you this. And where they are located.

I'm not Canadian. But if it sounds stolen, I'd think they have some responsibility to investigate it. Don't get into the eviction. They aren't going to want to get involved there. Let them hear that from the accused. They can then advise that his possessions are still yours and they need to produce them.

If they can't then they have to answer to the laws governing evictions and tenants possessions. The laws there may be totally different than here. But here in the U.S., they would be served with a Summons to court to discuss that before a judge. That alone may help them decide it's best to reverse their stance to make it go away.

You have nothing to lose by trying this. If the laws are different, you've lost nothing by going to the cops. They are free public servants. Start there.

But ask yourself. If they produced your stuff, where would you put it? So yeah you have to pick this battle only if you can afford to win it. Undoing the eviction may be their best solution than being ordered by the judge to pay damages after the court heard the rest of the particulars.

But if you only get your stuff back, it won't do much good if you have no place to put them.
Your last couple of sentences are...reality. Thanks Tom...U a smart boy.
Gosh. Just seeing this chyt. So let me offer a note simplistic approach. Since it doesn't look like you have.

But ask yourself. If they produced your stuff, where would you put it? So yeah you have to pick this battle only if you can afford to win it. Undoing the eviction may be their best solution than being ordered by the judge to pay damages after the court heard the rest of the particulars.

But if you only get your stuff back, it won't do much good if you have no place to put them.
If that fails I'm going with TallTom's the police. Friends have suggested the cops might just call it a civil matter,but I don't see it that way. You take something that doesn't belong to you,thats theft in my opinion.

Sometimes it's context. If they hear eviction they immediately don't want to waste time on a civil thing.

But if it's a simple theft, they can act on that, and as they learn the circumstances, sort of let the landlord know that this can get out of hand pretty easily if they don't comply.
Not being a wise guy here but perhaps a case for Judy Justice .

She pays out up to 10000 USD .

Can’t hurt to submit your case .

Hey it's brilliant if they do this stuff in Canada.

I had a tenant dispute on some damages done to a property they rented. I brought suit for the amount over the damage deposit.

I got contacted by one of those shows to take the case to them. They point blank said they'd pay for requested damage and no matter how the judge ruled I'd have been paid my claim.

It was too time consuming to do. Time off work, flights to film it......etc. Just wasn't worth it. I had a win. I didn't need the extra efforts.

But yeah a GREAT idea to do Rubb.
I'll go as qwik as I can here so as not to bore anyone.

1. Wife to be dies unexspectedly last Christmas.
2. Rubb goes into the rental office and ask's that the rent now come out of my account.Managements answer... NO.They claim I'm not on the lease.(lived there 6 years)
3. Rubb falls into deep depression...attempts to drink himself to death. No sleep,very little food,tons of whiskey. Rubb loses 60 pounds.
4. Finally I have lost the power to walk. Off to the hospital I go. When I get out,the lock has been changed on my apartment,I have been evicted.
5. My possesions have been taken. 99% of my belongings.Management refuses to give them to me.They claim someone might come looking for Dianne's stuff. Well according to B.C. Canada law...It's all MY stuff now. I am the Next of Kin. I am the Common Law Husband. It's rightfully all mine. Mgmt's answer,"Get a lawyer."
6. Call a lawyer.First 15 minutes "free." After that 400 bucks an hour. OUCH!!! I dont have 40 bucks,let alone 400 an hour.

Any idea's gentlemen??? I'm all ears. Thanks for hearing me out.

Go to legal aid. You should qualify. Don't have to pay.

Since you drank yourself into a ball of putty lol you need to increase your B1 levels. Get some vitamin b1, take 50mg every day for one week. It's the lack of B1 that made it so that you couldn't control your muscles. Now you are super low and other complications will arise over the years but by filling up on your b1 and other b vitamins you'll be back in shape fast and avoid such complications.