Connecting rod/main bearings

jo man

I AM writing about milli meter micrometers - you about inch micros.

I pers. would only use the mm - tools to measure at mm-built machines like the japs.

would make it easy to find fitting pieces - like the shims that only have mm labelings even in the us ? guess so
Converting the numbers from inch to mili meters changes NOTHING in the tolerancing
Converting the numbers from inch to mili meters changes NOTHING in the tolerancing

i seem to remember that a long, long time ago a satellite flew very far past a planet,
because one of the nasa-engineers had miscalculated
because he got confused with the units of measurement inch / millimeter
- somehow like that - which then led to the satellite flying thousands of km past the target object and disappearing into the universe.
hence my , shall we say , admonition ,
better not to swap back and forth between the units of measurement.

or is in the usa , e.g. on the valve shims, the thickness of the shims in inches or in millimeters?
I don't know - tell me please ;)

hence my preference to use a millimeter outside micrometer
because then there is definitely no source of error when converting from inches to millimeters.

and one more thing about accuracy.
depending on how many digits you allow after the decimal point when converting inches to mm (or vice versa),
there may well be minimal differences / tolerances.

very small but still there.

a "mitutoyo" micrometer with 1/100 mm with a mechanical counter! may cost around 150 euro here in europe

so, to avoid - forever - any misconvertings, i pers. would spend that 150 euros (+ p´n p) ;)
to only determine mm values in the future.


super big grin

watch this link
brand new and cheaper than here in europe
so what ;)
Valve Shims HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA mine are in .001 increments I make them myself

yeah man YOU ;)

but what about all the others ,
who have no machines to flatten the shims to a needed thickness
and join the dealer to buy shims there
not recognizing
that those original shims MAY! have tolerances of 1-2/100 mm !!! even when brand new (simply) following the printed numbers at the shims ?

NO - that´s never precise enough for an ol man and mechanic like me .
MOST shims I have seem in a OEM gen 1 head are 265 268 2.65-2.68 mm
when adjusting valves Shims are .05mm increments 3.00,2.95 ect
.05mm = .0019