The Downfall of Minneapolis

You have no idea who I am or what I know. You whine about BlackRock and then about restrictions to Air B&B which are aimed directly at real estate powerhouses like Black Rock. Regardless, the economy HAS improved quite a bit over the last year and you can’t stand it because a democrat is in office. You have zero clue that ironically, that has very little to do with it.
You have a peculiar relationship with reality. You like to pick and chose but it doesn’t work that way so you create your own, and I must say you’re quite detailed about it. That, I respect.
Without looking first... do you know what has been proposed in regards to Blackrock? Their name kinda tells us who they are... have you noticed? Occasionally we see people with names that sort of tell us who they are... like Bernie Madoff... lol ! Bernie's crime was he Made Off with 50 billion dollars and the ironic part is his jailhouse compadres put him in charge of commissary finance in the prison where he did his time until he died.
I suggest you pick up just 2 books... 1... the Creature from Jekell Island by G Edward Griffin. It is a good look at what collectivism can do. #2. Whitney Webbs "One Nation under Blackmail".

As far as knowing what you know and who you are its really easy to tell. It all comes out every time you post. Its like you work at CNBC or CNN and have never told us. Just wait until you hear the latest on Seth Rich.
You have no idea who I am or what I know. You whine about BlackRock and then about restrictions to Air B&B which are aimed directly at real estate powerhouses like Black Rock. Regardless, the economy HAS improved quite a bit over the last year and you can’t stand it because a democrat is in office. You have zero clue that ironically, that has very little to do with it.
You have a peculiar relationship with reality. You like to pick and chose but it doesn’t work that way so you create your own, and I must say you’re quite detailed about it. That, I respect.
Yeah, I have a peculiar relationship with reality... my filter is a little finer than yours.

When you get right down to it... Billy Carson is worth listening to and the field of science is doing better at catching up to what this reality really is. Thanks to Max Planck we are discovering the obvious nature of energy.
Make America great again=racist supremacist xenophobic etc etc etc
Build back better=is not
Aren’t they the same?
It was kind of troubling to see this phrase get so much bad press and turned into some sort of oppressive statement....

The word "Patriot" has almost gone in the same direction....

I watched a You Tube video where the interviewer asked about people flying the American flag and was surprised at how many people he interviewed saying the view people who fly the American flag outside their home to most likely be racists.

Since when has being proud of your country a bad thing I wonder?
You’re right biden has surpassed trump in allowing record numbers of illegals to flood this country, inflation at all time highs, crime at all time highs, cities crumbling at all time record rates,
LOl try again. Inflation is not even close to an all time high, in fact it’s stayed quite manageable considering we’re climbing out of a terrible epidemic. Regardless, Covid is obviously not Trump or Biden’s fault, but your political leanings want to blame Biden. Explain, then why inflation numbers during Obama’s administration were better than Trump’s? You won’t like the answer; it’s because it doesn’t matter who’s in the White House. What matters is how the population navigates what circumstance brings, and in the past the United States has done well. I know this doesn’t feed your right vs left anger, no biggie, you’ll just keep bitching.
Yeah, I have a peculiar relationship with reality... my filter is a little finer than yours.
LOL you are seriously deranged but since that’s not illegal, there’s not a whole bunch any of us can do about it.
LOl try again. Inflation is not even close to an all time high, in fact it’s stayed quite manageable considering we’re climbing out of a terrible epidemic. Regardless, Covid is obviously not Trump or Biden’s fault, but your political leanings want to blame Biden. Explain, then why inflation numbers during Obama’s administration were better than Trump’s? You won’t like the answer; it’s because it doesn’t matter who’s in the White House. What matters is how the population navigates what circumstance brings, and in the past the United States has done well. I know this doesn’t feed your right vs left anger, no biggie, you’ll just keep bitching.
IF it is as you say then why are sleepys polls at all time lows? Why is it 6 out of 10 democrats are not happy with him or his policies? Trump shouldn’t even come up because they’d be able to brag on their own merits right? Instead it’s still 24/7 trump trump trump……
They got nuttin

We got nuttin

IF it is as you say then why are sleepys polls at all time lows? Why is it 6 out of 10 democrats are not happy with him or his policies?
You missed my point intentionally or not, Biden’s policies or his obvious old age aren’t the reason we as a nation have come out of the pandemic with better times ahead. You continue to harp Trump and Biden which in my mind is like Ren & Stimpy. Biden is not who we need right now but we persevere in spite of it.
You missed my point intentionally or not, Biden’s policies or his obvious old age aren’t the reason we as a nation have come out of the pandemic with better times ahead. You continue to harp Trump and Biden which in my mind is like Ren & Stimpy. Biden is not who we need right now but we persevere in spite of it.
I still believe he’s not going to be their final choice
Biden isn't running anything except this country into the ground. The guy has a history of lies about who he is or was on a regular basis. His family is neck deep in political graft going back years from today. The DOJ and FBI protect him with cover ups. The first thing Biden did was attack American energy producers that kicked off a new wave of inflation in 2021 The downward trajectory of America is in the playbook of the Neo marxist fraternity and goes back for decades. A debt based system can only fail in the end if you were to figure out what 2% inflation does over a 110+ year cycle. Somethings just can't be fixed without a complete reset... like getting back on the gold standard. CBDCs will be the final phase of a well documented violation of America's 4th Amendment if implemented. Biden would love it if a CBDC system was implemented because it remove privacy from working class Americans and the cash would have little or no value.

Biden has handlers and decision makers are calling all the shots. This is why he rarely talks to the press or answers question spontaneously. They let Joe be president if he followed the script that was laid out long ago by the people that really run this country. The Press Secretary plays dodge ball every day when she isn't taking softballs from the left leaning journalist.

Don't you have a Climate activist meeting to attend today with Al Gore and Greta Thornburg speaking?
You're the lier, not Biden.
Vladimir Egorov dead

Reading this report I found it interesting why it was necessary to report that he had heart problems. Reminded me of George Floyd. Both most likely scumbags, but one suffered a "fall" from a 3rd story window and the other had a guy knee on his neck for nine minutes. Both had heart problems so, maybe, their heart problems were the cause of death? Whatever you want to believe, I suppose.
You're the lier, not Biden.
You give Zerks too much credit, lying implies you know you aren't telling the truth. I believe Zerks, believes his content. Like a true Trumpster or Fox news fan. He probably buys his pillows from Mike Lindell, the pillow man with mountains of voter fraud evidence that is like Trumps Taxes, still missing in action. It's like you would expect Fox to drop Mike's commercial contract and get sued.....wait a second...
You're the lier, not Biden.
Who's the liar?
You probably believe the Russia hoax was real to. The Lame Stream media never apologized for 2+ years of that nonsense either.
  1. › 2022 › 01 › 20 › politics › fact-check-biden-false-claims-first-year-2021 › index.html

    Fact check: A look at Biden's first year in false claims - CNN

    Jan 20, 2022When President Joe Biden passingly said in a voting rights speech last week that he had been "arrested" in the context of the civil rights movement - even suggesting this had happened more than...
  2. › washington-post-fact-checker-gives-145540491.html

    Washington Post Fact-Checker Gives Up on Recording Biden's Lies

    Now, the Post says it will give up on cataloguing Biden's lies after his first 100 days in office. Here's the Biden database — which we do not plan to extend beyond 100 days. I have learned...

  3. › politics › interactive › 2021 › biden-fact-checker-100-days

    The Fact Checker's tally of false and misleading claims President Biden ...

    The Biden era has offered a return to a more typical pattern — one that features frequent spin and obfuscation or exaggeration. He devotes little time to social media and rarely faces reporters ...
You give Zerks too much credit, lying implies you know you aren't telling the truth. I believe Zerks, believes his content. Like a true Trumpster or Fox news fan. He probably buys his pillows from Mike Lindell, the pillow man with mountains of voter fraud evidence that is like Trumps Taxes, still missing in action. It's like you would expect Fox to drop Mike's commercial contract and get sued.....wait a second...
When Hunter doesn't show up for a hearing in front of a congressional committee that had him served with a supoena you probably believe it was no big deal to be a no show. In other words... If your were served a subpoena by a government agency you would just blow it off like it was nothing, right? The real problem would be is that your last name isn't " Biden." I would bet you aren't connected to the DOJ for protection. Congress doesn't have police power like the alphabet agencies do.

Mike Lyndell is ok... but I haven't bought anything from him. I am pretty sure it would be beneath you to buy anything from the pillow Guy because it would ruin your self image.
When Hunter doesn't show up for a hearing in front of a congressional committee that had him served with a supoena you probably believe it was no big deal to be a no show. In other words... If your were served a subpoena by a government agency you would just blow it off like it was nothing, right? The real problem would be is that your last name isn't " Biden." I would bet you aren't connected to the DOJ for protection. Congress doesn't have police power like the alphabet agencies do.

Mike Lyndell is ok... but I haven't bought anything from him. I am pretty sure it would be beneath you to buy anything from the pillow Guy because it would ruin your self image.
Why is this Hunter Biden being brought up each and every time an attack on Joe Biden is launched?

I hear his name more than I do his father...if you want to attack someone, why not the father?
Why is this Hunter Biden being brought up each and every time an attack on Joe Biden is launched?

I hear his name more than I do his father...if you want to attack someone, why not the father?
One and both are the same. Joe has always said they were a super close family and did everything together……………..except business. Rofl

Biden walked himself into this mess he is now facing with his continued denials. I honestly believe if when asked about it for the first time had he said ‘yes I did, everybody does it. Shall we look at the life of all here?’ or something similar it would have faded away.
Late 80s ish we had a gubernatorial candidate down here. He was a democrat. It came out he owned an AR15. Oooh scary Omg! First chance to be asked came and he answered ‘yes I do. I enjoy it and shoot it often with my son on our farm.’ And you know what that was the end of that. I voted for him. Turned out to be a decent gov too. Granted it was forty years ago but he admitted it and moved on. Biden should have found an out long ago. Now people who most likely do similar are ripping every aspect of his life apart.
It has also been quite a while since we’ve have children or relatives of the potus who are so messed up and sordid. You would really have to prove it to me that the coke found in the White House was not hunters. The way it was handled and shushed yeah they knew. There are cameras EVERYWHERE in that place. They know.

My opinion is all of them in DC are scumbags. They should all be fired. Find me a politician from either side who didn’t retire a millionaire? You can’t. They all are grifters.
Why is this Hunter Biden being brought up each and every time an attack on Joe Biden is launched?

I hear his name more than I do his father...if you want to attack someone, why not the father?
Because Hunter is connected to the "Big Guy" in so many of their deals with countries when they traveled together on business trips.
I guess you never heard Joe say he knew nothing about any of Hunters business deals even though they traveled together on long flights outside this country. After hearing Joe say that Hunter is the smartest guy he knows it seems a bit odd they could be on the same flights for dozen of hours and not speak to each other about what they will do when they get to their destination, what they did on the way home.
I guess you haven't heard the voice recordings of Hunter complaining about the Big Guy taking so much of his money that came from the overseas business transactions.
I guess you haven't heard of Hunter admitting on video to a journalist that these deals like sitting on the board of Burisma and getting paid 80 grand a month for years would likely not have happened if his last name wasn't Biden.
This kind of exposure could go on and on and you would call it right wing conspiracy crap. James Comer has the details in Bank records that show large sums of money transferred through various accounts some of which go through the Caymen Islands through shell corporations.
We also have Tony Bobalinsky ( a former business manager for the Bidens ) ready and willing to repeat in court the financial dealings he witnessed and much of which ( 6 hours worth at FBI headquarters in DC one day ) has already been told complete with documents that show the illicit dealing of the Bidens with the Bank of China and other foreign entities.
The Lame Stream media won't cover it until it suits them in some particular way. They would rather scream the word Russia for years with no proof of anything illegal and then not apologize for all the slanderous rhetoric because they got it wrong. Yeah... nothing to see hear... the man with the highest office in the USA is protected even though Hunter has reportedly been having some legal issues with the IRS. Honest activity in a public office is a rare characteristic these days. You might be inclined to say that is just human nature and excuse it all. You are pretty consistent with down playing anything considered controversial.
Because Hunter is connected to the "Big Guy" in so many of their deals with countries when they traveled together on business trips.
I guess you never heard Joe say he knew nothing about any of Hunters business deals even though they traveled together on long flights outside this country. After hearing Joe say that Hunter is the smartest guy he knows it seems a bit odd they could be on the same flights for dozen of hours and not speak to each other about what they will do when they get to their destination, what they did on the way home.
I guess you haven't heard the voice recordings of Hunter complaining about the Big Guy taking so much of his money that came from the overseas business transactions.
I guess you haven't heard of Hunter admitting on video to a journalist that these deals like sitting on the board of Burisma and getting paid 80 grand a month for years would likely not have happened if his last name wasn't Biden.
This kind of exposure could go on and on and you would call it right wing conspiracy crap. James Comer has the details in Bank records that show large sums of money transferred through various accounts some of which go through the Caymen Islands through shell corporations.
We also have Tony Bobalinsky ( a former business manager for the Bidens ) ready and willing to repeat in court the financial dealings he witnessed and much of which ( 6 hours worth at FBI headquarters in DC one day ) has already been told complete with documents that show the illicit dealing of the Bidens with the Bank of China and other foreign entities.
The Lame Stream media won't cover it until it suits them in some particular way. They would rather scream the word Russia for years with no proof of anything illegal and then not apologize for all the slanderous rhetoric because they got it wrong. Yeah... nothing to see hear... the man with the highest office in the USA is protected even though Hunter has reportedly been having some legal issues with the IRS. Honest activity in a public office is a rare characteristic these days. You might be inclined to say that is just human nature and excuse it all. You are pretty consistent with down playing anything considered controversial.
Do you have kids?

Does everything they do reflect directly on you?

Are you completely aware of all their financial and social dealings?

It seems very petty to constantly go through the back door of trashing Hunter Biden in order to discredit his father...

If Hunter Biden is guilty of something, he has to stand on his own for this, in the end we as individuals are responsible for our actions.

However, in your eyes, both the legal system and government are completely inept and corrupt so I often wonder why you remain in a country where this is so?

If I had so little faith in my government and legal system, I'd be moving personally...