Like I kinda figured....
WASHINGTON (AP) — Elena Kagan, a Supreme Court nominee without judicial
experience, has suggested in writings and speeches over a quarter-century
that when judges make decisions, they must take account of their values and
experience and consider politics and policy, rather than act as robotic umpires.
Not since 1972 has a president picked someone for the high court who hasn't
been a judge. So what the 50-year-old Kagan has said about judging might
be the best indicator of the kind of justice she would be.
politics and policy...Could an Obama pick be any different
WASHINGTON (AP) — Elena Kagan, a Supreme Court nominee without judicial
experience, has suggested in writings and speeches over a quarter-century
that when judges make decisions, they must take account of their values and
experience and consider politics and policy, rather than act as robotic umpires.
Not since 1972 has a president picked someone for the high court who hasn't
been a judge. So what the 50-year-old Kagan has said about judging might
be the best indicator of the kind of justice she would be.
politics and policy...Could an Obama pick be any different