You don't have to link anything. Nor ask me to challenge it. If these economist are the same people that project election polls, we know how that turned out.
Every economist that opposed Biden gave us a 100% slam dunk forecast that Biden's economy was all but certain it would end in depression. It did not. They were wrong. And there were scores of them.
About a week or so ago you said you were not going to post into anything politics. I'm not sure why you abandoned that idea. It really isn't improving your mental health. If people agree with you you still post hate. If people don't agree with you, you still post hate. You didn't vote for Trump. You don't support him. You can join in on the gang that posted hate on him both before and after he was elected. You seem to feel your echo chamber suggest that nobody likes Trump. Over half the American population voted for him. Every swing state did. 89% of all counties in America did. Every segment of every ethnic group and gender voted in bigger numbers for him this time, than last time. They are a less than 3 months into his term. Perhaps some of them have doubts. But I doubt it would be many. You seem to have quickly forgotten we were more like your Truedau for decades. That ended less than 3 months ago. Trump has got a llllooooonnnngg way to fall before America will forget what he replaced.
For the dozenth time I will state, I don't like his chaotic approach to things. I don't like his personal character flaws. I don't like his general personality. I don't like that he is the figurehead for the Republican party. That troubles me what he is turning that party into. And I don't think his mental acuity is what it was 8 years ago. He's an old guy in decline also.
But I will give him credit. He still has the Liberals doing anything possible to discredit every breath he takes. Something about Trump has them very very worried. What they should instead be doing is rebuilding their party so they might actually offer a better solution in 4 years. Because if all they do is rinse and repeat for another 4 years, they may not see the political light of day for decades. If and I'll make it a big IF, what Trump is doing overall, overall works. Canada will align with him. So will Mexico.
I hope your mental health can survive that.