Recent content by MonkeyButtRides

  1. MonkeyButtRides

    Where's the cotter pin?

    I removed/installed wheels a lot more frequently on my motocross bikes so I loved not having a cotter pin. Cotter pins are nice but also a pain in the @ss plus they tend to be only good for 1 or 2 swaps then you need a new one.
  2. MonkeyButtRides

    Where's the cotter pin?

    That's one of the things I like about Suzuki. Their axle nuts are self locking! Kawasaki loves their cotter pins and I hate it. I had a KXF450 and I purchased a Suzuki RMZ axle nut and swapped it for my KXF450 axle nut. One of my favorite upgrades for that bike. I've never had an issue with...
  3. MonkeyButtRides

    I assume you're all in favor of tariffs?

    Don't forget to include Blanca in that group who literally thinks there is divinity behind trump. TallTom actually said "I swear I pay more taxes under Biden....." clearly not realizing the 2017 Trump tax plan doesn't even expire until this year, so you can't really put too much stock into...
  4. MonkeyButtRides

    I assume you're all in favor of tariffs?

    That's what I'm talking about, I don't see the demand changing or a cheaper source coming into the picture just higher prices in the US is all I see coming. Maybe a lot of those "I did that" stickers with Trump's face on them in a very sarcastic manner.
  5. MonkeyButtRides

    I assume you're all in favor of tariffs?

    How does exporting oil to the US at a 10% tariff cost Canada? I suspect the US importers will try to negotiate lower prices to try and offset the tariff tax the US importer has to pay? I guess time will tell, I hope it doesn't hurt you guys up north but unless there is another cheaper source...
  6. MonkeyButtRides

    I assume you're all in favor of tariffs?

    How so? What am I missing? Exactly, but I don't think we will stop importing anything, we will just pay more for everything it will fund tax cuts for the rich.
  7. MonkeyButtRides

    I assume you're all in favor of tariffs?

    Oh for sure, it's rude and dumb
  8. MonkeyButtRides

    I assume you're all in favor of tariffs?

    It's really simple, Canada doesn't pay for it and Canada shouldn't do much of anything really. Unless there is another cheaper source to import from or industries are stood up internally it's the American people that will pay for it. I also wonder what the US government does with all those...
  9. MonkeyButtRides

    DMV fees for annual registration renewal

    Those are crazy cheap registration fees. Does FL have an annual vehicle tax? When I lived in VA in the late 90's, registration was super cheap, compared to here in CO (I don't remember the actual value, long time ago...) but there was an annual vehicle tax. The incoming governor ran on...
  10. MonkeyButtRides

    2003 Gsxr1000

    For various reasons I haven't been in my garage working on a bike literally in months but after seeing all this progresss I might be have to get back into the groove.....damn!
  11. MonkeyButtRides

    Another Front Brake Master Clyinder Recall

    Thanks man, I appreciate that! 93k!!! Now that's awesome! How long have you been touring? I imagine you have been to a lot of places. I'm planning on doing the LOLO pass this summer
  12. MonkeyButtRides

    Ok guys .. need some help please.

    I would also lean towards the Gen 3. No bike is perfect but even with the brake recalls and faulty quick shifter (not everyone has issues with it) it's still a very nice bike. The electronics are awesome, you have full control over most of it and ride by wire cruise is awesome if you get out...
  13. MonkeyButtRides

    2025 Busa

    Not to turn this into an AI thread, for now, it's a love/hate, for YouTube videos, it's 100% hate, they are so easy to spot as well, people are just lazy. For work I love it, right now. In the future it will be 100% hate all the way around.
  14. MonkeyButtRides

    New Hayabusa queries

    1) Yes, and it gets worse with intermittent hesitation's for me mostly in the lower gears, 1,2,3 Downshifts and auto blip works pretty good and consistently. 2) I haven't experienced that one. 3) That is the max psi, I wouldn't say "correct" I run different levels of PSI depending on what kind...