Recent content by PR111

  1. P

    What exhaust are you getting?

    Won't all existing Gen 2 pipes work for Gen 3?
  2. P

    Gen 1 Starter Motor part #?

    Much appreciated guys. Sorcireous: I'm tempted but I want to buy new just for peace of mind. I don't want to have to think about this again for another 20K miles.
  3. P

    Gen 1 Starter Motor part #?

    I need to replace the starter motor on my 2002 and I see two different starter assemblies on, each is about $320. These are listed below. Can anyone tell me for sure which one to get? I'd hate to waste $320. TIA. Part #s 31100-24F01 31100-24F10
  4. P

    speedohealer and GIPRO w/ATRE

    A bit of a late post but in the interest of providing more info for future readers ... the GIPRO is not only an ATRE but it also provides a gear indicator. I never actually used the TRE feature because really, does a Busa need more power in the first few gears? But the gear indicator is a...
  5. P

    Anyone done this..and how much $$

    Ohlins shock - $1000 Racetech internals in forks - $750 Brembo calipers (off Ducati 749) with mounting brackets - $400 Feel and Control - priceless (sorry for that cheesy cliche, but it's true). If I had to do it over again, I probably would have just changed out the internals on the shock...
  6. P

    brembo calipers

    Looking to do this too (front calipers that is) because I agree with most folks here that the stock calipers just aren't very good. I checked the Yoyodyne site and they have busa-specific adapter brackets that work with the 4-pad calipers (will be getting the gold). Question: are the banjo...
  7. P

    Can anyone recommend a motorcycle shipping company?

    Tried a search but got no hits ... Does anyone have any experience with shipping their motorcycle cross country? What transportation company would you recommend? I looked at a few on the internet like Allied Special Products and Haulbikes but I don't know if there are better ones out there...
  8. P

    Gear shops - Southest PA

    There are several Cycle Gears around the Philadelphia area. They seem to have a better selection of "stuff" than most Motorcycle shops and the prices are reasonable (there are occassional sales that are really good). Check out their web site for the types of things they carry. -PR
  9. P

    Should I?? I'm getting itchy...

    Try to get an 05. From what I remember, Kawi updated the suspension and the fuel mapping because the 04s were really hard to ride. And 7200 does seem like a lot of money for a 4+ year-old bike.
  10. P

    Front lift

    I recommend getting a stem stand. It's really the best tool for the job. I've done the scissor jack and it never felt that stable. A word of warning on the Pitbull Fork Lift converter to Stem stand - it won't allow you to drop your fork. The dedicated stem stand will. The other annoying...
  11. P

    Sport Rider Mag does it again

    Sportrider is just stating the manufacturer claims. And those numbers are always at the crank. With a 15% loss through the drivetrain, that's about 163 rwhp. Sounds about right given what I've seen on the prior ZX10.
  12. P

    Another Tire Question?

    You know, I just assumed front and rear were dual-compound. I've never heard or read otherwise. It's certainly more expensive than the regular Pilot Powers. I do know that the Pirelli Corsa IIIs only have the rears as dual-compound.
  13. P

    is 5w 40 o.k.

    Just an FYI: Castrol R4 Superbike oil, full-synthetic, is 5w-40.
  14. P

    Pics of new parts and install

    Nice looking exhaust. It's hard to tell without a rear-view shot, but it appears to have no loss of clearance on the exhaust side. Is that the case? By the way, how did you start that without pulling the clutch lever in? PR
  15. P

    is 5w 40 o.k.

    5w40 should be fine. Like all multi-viscosity oils that first number identifies the viscosity when cold (I think 32 degrees, but don't quote me). The second number is the viscosity at normal operating temperatures. As long the oil is specific to motorcycles, there shouldn't be a problem. PR