
  1. S

    Fork stem mount in mm for a mobile phone.

    Please for the love of God can someone help me out, I have a 2008 Hayabusa and want to fit a mobile phone mount so i can use it for for Google maps, music etc. I cannot find a straight answer for the diameter in mm anywhere and any links would be ideal so i can buy a solid one and measurements...
  2. B

    My Busa

    School reunion ..I turned up on the Busa... If you're gonna be a bear..be a grizzly!!
  3. B

    Hayabusa Spark Plug change 2020

    Might aswell change the air filter in the process since this has to come off anyway for the plugs. Pretty straight forward maintenance which would cost alot at Suzuki.
  4. Hayabusa all the way!

    Hayabusa all the way!

  5. S

    My motorcycle got stolen. $1000 cash reward if you find

    Hi, My motorcycle was stolen on January29th after 11:00 PM night in phoenix, arizona. Attached are the pics. Its a 2013 suzuki hayabusa 1340CC bike. Motorcycle is in Black and yellow color. Whoever finds it they will be rewarded with $1000 cash on spot. Only message me first at ****('''928''')...
  6. L

    Hayabusa has gas and spark but wont start.

    So my 2007 hayabusa buggy wont start again. It cranks strong. We tested it by jump starting it. It has spark at the spark plugs. It has fuel to the cylinders and the injecters are spraying well. What else could it be? Any ideas?
  7. AceRider

    Track day

    <center><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>
  8. Nina

    New Member here

    Hey guys and girls! Im a new member here from Florida.. Looking forward to browsing .. Ive been having some issues with my busa lately so was hoping to get some answers on this forum.. Love my busa but jeez its a money pit. :( Ive spent around 2k in past 2 months just in repairs...and still...
  9. L

    Fuel Injectors not spraying

    I have a buggy with what I think is a 2007 hayabusa motor and I am having some problems with it not starting. I had it running fine about an hour before the problem started. It cranks and will run for a little while on starter fluid so I think its the fuel system. I checked the fuel lines and I...
  10. KieranJ1992

    Gen 2 Hayabusa rear wheel spindle/axel siezed. Please help!

    Hello. After purchasing a new chain and sprocket set, I have come to fit it and realised that my rear axel A.K.A spindle is siezed up. I have tried whacking it several times, for hours, with a rubber mallet with rear paddock stand in use, wheel propped up, wheel on ground on side stand. You...
  11. Grey Bird

    Grey Bird

    My first Hayabusa. Previous owner had Muzzy mufflers put on. I changed grips, levers and added prism pinstripe tape.
  12. M

    2008 Suzuki Hayabusa no dash lights or brake light

    Was riding last night lights just went out help!
  13. J

    04’ Busa

    Hey guys had my visa little over a year and just finished getting everything the way I like it. What do you guys think ?
  14. bussassin417

    '02 Busa Fuel Line ID and OD

    My first post, be friendly ! Getting bike ready to track, changing hoses and lines to braided. What's '02 Busa fuel hose (line) diameters ( ID & OD ) ? Want to order hose before bike to disassembled. thx in advance
  15. T

    Gen 2 turbo busa hunt

    Afternoon ladies and gents, For a year or so now I’ve been wanting a street legal gen 2 busa turbo. Now I found one sold by GT’ motorcycles in Plymouth (south west England) in 2013. Which is very local to me. It was built by big cc producing 525bhp. VRN; W13GSX I’m hoping to track down this...
  16. J

    Hayabusa pegs cruiser style?

    Hi all, I am hoping that someone may be able to provide some information on whether this is possible and if so, how could it be done? Long story short, my partner was involved in a serious accident while riding his much loved Busa. A car pulled out on a round about and didn't give way to my...
  17. B.Eskedal

    Inline five Hayabusa

    I have a little project going on this winter, I build a inline five Busa from two Gen 1 engines. Will use stock pistons and 3mm stroke = 1620cc. Se pictures
  18. Jellyrug's lady

    Jellyrug's lady

  19. N

    Rear Brake Resoviur

    Ever wonder where it is?Its nearly impossible to access it without lifting or removing the tail section.It's easy to remove.I changed to dot 5 in my clutch and front and rear brakes.Flushed out first with denatured alcohol. I also changed the clutch to kevlar with heavy duty springs and I got a...
  20. Trailer pulling Busa

    Trailer pulling Busa
