01 GSXR 1k wheel Conversion

About 5 pounds per wheel.
I'm getting a set of '08 GSXR 1k wheels...
I'm guessing I'll be needing the spacers, front rotors, and of course the brake caliper milling??
I replaced the wheels on my 1k that I stole for the buda with 05 R1 wheels. Beleive it or not they are 1lb lighter each than the 05 up gixx 1k wheels. So both my bikes got a light weight set of wheels this year!!! Heres a cpl pics of my busa with the 01-04 1k wheels on it. It's filthy in the pics, but I also painted my stretched tail to match too lol...


Heres a pic of my 1k with the R1 wheels, I got them fitted up and polished em out to match the rest of the bike, lots of work but this things soo worth it...


I like the look of the R1 wheels. Would love to have a pair of those on the busa
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punisher what was needed for spacers?

You hav e to use a combination of the R1 axle with the stock busa fork spacer, and have another made to fit the other side of the axle. Then you need a washer welded up on the axle to stop it at the outside of the fork. I also used 1 of the R1 wheel spacers on the left outside to give the bolt something to stop against and seat on. I'll do a how to write up when I get back from mid ohio this coming week...