03 starter cluch replacement


Donating Member
mmy bik is having issues starting, It don't want to turn over at least i have to try 3 or 4 times before i get it running, bought a new batt the yuasa 14s an did the IAT ensor mod and still having issues. what exactly do i need? went to ronayers is like 10 different things in the whole assembly. i know i don't need all of them. i seen is like an upgrade for the starter clucht but don't know is that is going to cure my problem
I don't think the 03 needed the starter upgrade?
If it is turning over fine, it isn't the starter.
Does it crank or just not start when it cranks?

If it just doesn't start then:
Have you adjusted the choke lever like the manual says?
You could also run some cleaner (BG44K or SeaFoam) through it.
That may clean the injectors.
Also pull the plugs and look at them and let us know what they look like.
Upgrade was for the '99-'02 Busa's...'03 and newer did not have any starter issues :thumbsup:
nope that is the problem is like not getting enough power, i upgraded the battery with the 14s and nothing, just checked all the coils and i think they all bad ignition oil/cap resistance check 2 of the were at 2.5 nd the other 2 at 3.5. they should be between 0.8 and 1.2. don't know is that may cause the hard starting issue. they are 90.00 a pop:banghead:
once i get it to crank it fires right up but i need to press the starter button a few times to make get the engine to turn over. is like the battery is weak, but is not is a bran new battery, did a leak test and is good. i guess the bike is just not getting the juice to turn over and start the bike
so the coils is not the problem? once it cranks the bike starts right up, it sound like the batt is dead, doubt that 3 batt in 6 months this one is yuasa 14s 225 cca or some like that
cold the bike starts just fine, hot or warm is hard to start. i checked the iap sensor, iat sensor, thet batt, they all checked good, just going nuts
cold the bike starts just fine, hot or warm is hard to start. i checked the iap sensor, iat sensor, thet batt, they all checked good, just going nuts

There is a mod to help this hard starting when hot.
It adds a second battery and uses 24 volts for the starter.
Do a search and check it out, those that have done it are impressed.
in the manual tells me to do a test, the performance stater relay, reading is a bit off, suppose to read 3 to 5 ohms, i'm getting 1.4. evrything else checked good. i been doinig all kind od electrical test and so far the coils and the stater realys showed bad readings. will the stater relay cause hard starting issues when the bike is hot?
If it has less resistance than required, that is a partial open circuit.
When it gets hot, it could cause a problem yes.
thanks mike and all the people that help me out. is fixed stater relay was bad. good job:cheerleader: